In proving yet again, that kashruth in the United States is in serious danger, we find the following in an article about the potential collapse of kashruth: “The U. S. Government INTERRED Shalom Rubashkin and is pursuing legal action against him. ………” We didn’t even know that the man had died. How sad. Oh, wait Continue Reading »
The newest issue of Kashrus Magazine, in an article about possible insect infestation of raisins, had this to say at one point in the article: “… A leading Brooklyn posek told his congregation that if foods were cooked or baked with raisins, they (editor’s note: ie, the food) may be eaten, but the raisins must Continue Reading »
We recently flew Business Class on El Al both to and from Israel. (We did it on points- there is no way we could have afforded it otherwise!) The nice thing about flying First or Business Class is that you get use of the private El Al lounge. The lounge in Tel Aviv, offered free Continue Reading »
Formerly in Nachalat Shiva, La Guta reopened on Derech Beit Lechem at the beginning of February. While we admit that every place is entitled to a “shake out cruise,” La Guta will need lots of work if they are to succeed. The place is lovely. You are seated in one of a series of rooms, Continue Reading »
You just gotta love a country with kosher Mickey D, kosher Burger King, Kosher Sbarros Pizza and kosher Pizza Hut. Truth be told, the pizza is lousy, but it sure is a kick to go to those places and order! Similarly, we have been to KFC (also known as the church of chicken) and to Continue Reading »
We wrote about this restaurant once before when it was called Hechatzer shel Pini. New name, great food! Five of us went and had the chef’s tasting menu. At IS 180 ($45) pp it is the best bargain in town. For starters, you get fresh, hot stick rolls. A number of enticing salads are put Continue Reading »
A fascinating story in today’s Jerusalem Post: Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau is about to give his official “blessing” to a new GPS available in Israel that is geared to the religious set. It lists thousands of kosher restaurants, mikvehs, shuls, tefillat haderech, a Hebrew calendar, and two versions of birkat hamazon. The device uses Continue Reading »
Some restaurants are just memorable for all the right things. Three of us ate at Anjelica’s tonight. It is a meat restaurant on Shatz St (a pedestrian mall off King George) and in the Metropolitan Hotel. Don’t let the hotel fool you- the restaurant is four stars! We had a wonderful bottle of wine: Katlav: Continue Reading »
The following is from the Feb 17 edition of Kosher Today: Sunday at the Pomegranate Attracts Shoppers from Throughout the Region Brooklyn, NY…Estelle, who lives in Southern Jersey, customarily visits her aging mother in Flatbush on Sundays. But since the Pomegranate opened last August, she makes the weekly detour to the nation’s leading upscale kosher Continue Reading »
From the cRc Regarding Raisins [From the cRc]: Recently, someone discovered drosophila larvae in raisins and brought it to the attention of the kashrus world. These larvae are not visible when one visually inspects raisins, but can be seen in water that had been used to soak raisins. In the ensuing weeks, kashrus professionals from Continue Reading »
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