April 19, 2004 at 1:03:21p.m. Here it is, the definitive couch potato gotta have it, surefire, next big hit! What is it? Glad you asked! From Maytag comes a HOME VENDING MACHINE. Yup, you read right. Hurry off to Home Depot and buy a SkyBox (approx. $600) for your TV room. Why have to shlep Continue Reading »
April 1, 2004 at 9:51:41a.m. We do not know who Patti is, but her recipe makes a really fine mushroom kugel. Thank you, Patti, whoever you are, wherever you are…… Oh, and good night Mrs. Calabash, too! Patti’s Passover Mushroom Kugel (gebrukts) 1/2 lb fresh mushroom sliced 1/2 c diced green pepper 1 c minced Continue Reading »
March 26, 2004 at 5:07:07p.m. We’ve written about Shabbatai Gourmet stuff in the past (last year, just after Passover, in fact), and we want to remind you that when you see these products in the store, run to the display and glom as many as you can. These are the ne plus ultra of Passover Continue Reading »
March 23, 2004 at 5:31:47a.m. The Passover edition of the Kosher Nexus is available on the UTJ’s web site. In the column to your right, there is a direct link to the UTJ web page. Once there, click on the link for the Passover Kosher Nexus. The UTJ web page is located at http://utj.org (RJR)
March 16, 2004 at 11:17:53a.m. I always wear my green kipah this time of year. Why? Have you never heard of the Mac Abees? And leave us not forget that a former Lord Mayor of Dublin was a Jew! So, for those of us who wear the green, here’s a new recipe: 3 to 4 Continue Reading »
March 11, 2004 at 7:24:23p.m. ?OPERATION PESACH? PROVIDES TOLL-FREE PASSOVER HOTLINE AND SELLS YOUR CHAMETZ TOO!! ?I?m a vegetarian. Do I have to have meat on my Seder plate?? ?I?ve never made my home kosher for Passover, but would like to. How do I do it?? ?What do I feed my pets during Passover?? These Continue Reading »
March 9, 2004 at 12:15:40a.m. We recently had seudah shlishit at a friend’s house. Prominently displayed in the middle of the table was a salad the likes of which we had never seen. It was a cucumber and orange salad. We gotta tell you, it looked a tad strange, and the taste had to grow Continue Reading »
March 7, 2004 at 8:50:36a.m. 6. I received this recipe when my oven died while I was cleaning it before Pesach one year – it was a lifesaver! Onion-Glazed Chicken Place 1 cut-up chicken skin side down in a heavy frying pan coated with oil or nonstick cooking spray. Brown chicken at medium-high heat. Turn Continue Reading »
February 17, 2004 at 9:36:46a.m. I would like to tell you what the stuff is, but I don’t read Polish. So working by what the pictures look like, we shall endeavor to describe the products. First of all, the name. These goodies come from KOPERNIK of Torun. Certification is, as we said before, OU, and Continue Reading »
February 25, 2004 at 1:13:52p.m. Go to the bank and take out a small loan so that you can then go to the kosher butcher and buy a brisket. Three or four pounds is a good size. Ingredients: 1 cup of ginger ale (ginger kale for those of you of the right wing persuasion) 1 Continue Reading »
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