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Posted on March 11, 2004

March 11, 2004 at 7:24:23p.m. ?OPERATION PESACH? PROVIDES TOLL-FREE PASSOVER HOTLINE AND SELLS YOUR CHAMETZ TOO!! ?I?m a vegetarian. Do I have to have meat on my Seder plate?? ?I?ve never made my home kosher for Passover, but would like to. How do I do it?? ?What do I feed my pets during Passover?? These Continue Reading »

Kosher and “Theoretically” Kosher

Posted on March 11, 2004

March 11, 2004 at 9:19:29a.m. A magazine devoted to matters of kashrut recently offered the following advice: “Pouring boiling water over every single inch of your stainless steel sink would make it theoretically kosher for passover, but we recommend using a liner in the sink anyway.” Theoretically kosher for passover? How about totally kosher for Continue Reading »

Shavuot in a Box!

Posted on March 8, 2004

March 8, 2004 at 1:22:01p.m. Ever notice how Shavuot kind of sneaks up on you? I mean, one day it’s Purim and the next thing you know, it’s Shavuot! (Whoa, what happened to Passover??) Hey, we’re just messing with you! But, we can’t help when we find products, and just this past week we found Continue Reading »

Spice Up Your Mishloach Manot

Posted on February 11, 2004

February 11, 2004 at 9:37:44p.m. * These days, giving all Israeli products is probably the best thing you could do, since you’d be supporting the Israeli economy (matanot l’evyonim as well as mishloach manot?) * Make everything in your package the same color. * Use “miniature” sizes of things – tiny M&Ms, mini-cupcakes, etc. * Continue Reading »