Chag kasher v’sameach. Best wishes for a kosher and happy holiday
Ingredients olive oil cooking spray 4 unsalted matzo boards, or more to taste 1 cup unsalted butter 1 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed ¾ cup chocolate chips Local Offers 00000 Change Oops! We cannot find any ingredients on sale near you. Do we have the correct zip code? Directions Gather the ingredients. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees Continue Reading »
Russian Potato and Mushroom Croquettes 1½ lbs potatoes, peeled and chopped 5 cups water 1 onion, peeled and chopped ¼ lb mushrooms 1 tsp oil 1 Tbsp water salt/pepper to taste 1 cup matzo meal 1 Tbsp oil Boil potatoes in water until tender. Drain and mash potatoes. In a separate pan, sauté onions and Continue Reading »
Buñuelos de Pesach (Sweet Matzo Fritters) Ingredients 4 sheets of plain matzo 1 ¼ teaspoon salt 3 large eggs, lightly beaten ¼ cup shredded parmesan cheese (optional) Vegetable oil, for frying 1 tablespoon honey Preparation 1. Fill a container, large enough to fit the matzo, ¾ the way up with room temperature water, and add Continue Reading »
The History Of Gefilte Fish Some see gefilte fish as a delicacy, others as something too disgusting to contemplate. Either way, it would probably appear on most people’s short list of classic Ashkenazi foods. For good reason. It’s been part of the Eastern European Jewish diet for hundreds of years. The funny thing is that gefilte fish didn’t start out Continue Reading »
INGREDIENTS 1 ½ pounds bittersweet chocolate, melted 1 cup sweet red wine or grape juice 7 sheets matzo Garnish: fresh berries PREPARATION Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Keep chocolate warm by keeping melted chocolate in a bowl set over a bowl of warm water. Place wine in a pan large enough to accommodate Continue Reading »
Honey Horseradish Roasted Chicken INGREDIENTS 1x2x3x 1 3-4 pound whole chicken dried well and with innards removed ½ lemon 5 cloves garlic ½ white onion 5 fresh rosemary springs 1/4 cup kosher for Passover prepared horseradish ¼ cup kosher for Passover honey ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil 1 Tablespoon salt 1 Teaspoon ground black pepper Parsley for garnish INSTRUCTIONS Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F with a rack in the middle. Continue Reading »
A LA RECHERCHE DU PESACH PERDU For those of us who lived in towns so out of the way that we had to go to public school, chol hamoed Pesach meant all sorts of creative measures in school. Instead of the usual brown bag, Passover meant a whole shopping bag with a handle in Continue Reading »
Italian Charoset Ingredients 2 cups sweet wine 1/3 cup (50 g) pine nuts 2/3 cup (100 g) ground almonds 1/2 lb (250 g) dates, pitted and chopped 3/4 cup (100 g) yellow raisins or sultanas 4 oz (100 g) prunes, pitted and chopped Continue Reading »
Updated for 2024 PESACH MYTHS AND FACTS INCLUDING MUCH UPDATED MATERIAL PESACH: MYTHS & FACTS Most Jews will tell you that their favorite holiday is Pesach. Most Jews will also tell you that the holiday they most dislike having to prepare is Pesach. While it is true that the work involved in preparing for Pesach Continue Reading »
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