PASSOVER 101 Shalom and welcome to the Passover issue of the Kosher Nexus. In this special edition, you will find a wealth of information for Passover. We all hope that this issue will help you with everything from preparing your home to purchasing Kosher L’Pesah products. From all of us, and the Union for Traditional Continue Reading »
SWEET POTATO KUGEL (From No Cholesterol Passover Recipes, by Debra Wasserman) Serves 12. Ingredients: 6 small sweet potatoes, peeled and grated 3 apples, peeled and grated 1 cup raisins 1 cup matzo meal 2 tsp cinnamon 1 cup fruit juice or water Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix ingredients together. Press into large baking dish. Continue Reading »
PASSOVER FAQ- UPDATED FOR 5777 Every year, the number of questions we receive at the Operation Pesah Hot Line continues to grow and grow. We are most pleased to note this increase as it points to a heightened level of awareness and observance of the holiday. Included in this special edition of the Kosher Nexus Continue Reading »
“Concerning peanuts, which were called stashkes in Europe—they have been accepted as being permitted on Pesach and are not considered kitniyos (legumes that are forbidden on Pesach) because all the reasons for the prohibition of kitniyos do not apply to peanuts. Peanuts are not sown in fields (with grain), and even if they were there Continue Reading »
PRESS RELEASE Plocky’s is a family-owned business founded in 1988. In Jan 2017, Plocky’s will be launching a new innovative line of PrOTATO CRISPS. which are simply a blend of potatoes with organic plant protein baked together in one tasty crisp. Each serving contains 7 grams of protein. PrOTATO CRISPS come in 3 exciting varieties. Continue Reading »
FROM THE NOSHER Have you ever ordered lox and wondered, wait, what exactly is lox? You’ll hear orders for lox and cream cheese on bagels, but it’s often not actually lox–it’s smoked salmon. If you’re confused about lox, you’re not alone. To start with, lox is brined salmon. It’s basically pickled. And although the word Continue Reading »
OUR POSITION ON KITNIYOT OUR POSITION ON KITNIYOT DERIVATIVES KITNIYOT Perhaps no issue stirs as much debate as the debate swirling around kitniyot- generally translated as legumes. According to Ashenazi custom and law, we are not allowed to eat kitniyot on Pesach. Rabbi Yosef Karo, the creator of the Shulchan Aruch called the custom of Continue Reading »
FROM JEWNIVERSE Foie gras is like fashion: one day it’s in, the next day it’s out. The state of California recently joined the list of places that have banned the production and sale of the gourmet favorite—which is made from the liver of a goose or duck that has been fattened up by force-feeding. But Continue Reading »
PRESS RELEASE Melville, N.Y.-based Hain Celestial Group has added two varieties of chips made from plantains to its Terra line of vegetable-based chips. Terra Plantains with Sea Salt chips have only three ingredients: green plantains, coconut oil and sea salt. Meanwhile, Terra Sweet Plantains chips contain just sweet plantains and coconut oil. Both varieties are Continue Reading »
Israel’s Chief Rabbinate is signaling it may agree to increased competition in the kashrut supervision market. In advance of the rehearing of a petition to the High Court of Justice on the matter, the Chief Rabbinate’s kashrut committee, which has been meeting for the past few months, has reached the conclusion that business owners could Continue Reading »
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