Some names just add to the confusion. So, here are a few terms and what they are: Agar agar- made from seaweed, agar agar is a substitute for gelatin. It needs no hashgacha. Catalese- Catalese is used as a coagulant, and it comes from cow liver. It obviously needs hashgacha. Cholic Acid- needs hashgacha as Continue Reading »
From NATURE’S PATH ( comes some mighty fine organic cereals, crackers and cookies. Certification is OU-D. The company features a Signature Series line of upscale products all which are USDA certified as organic. In addition, the cereals are loaded with vitamin B-12, folic acid, calcium and Omega 3’s. You might want to try Optimum Power Continue Reading »
JUDGE BARS U.S. FROM WEAKENING RULES FOR “DOLPHIN SAFE” TUNA By LISA LEFF, Associated Press ( SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – In a victory for environmentalists, a federal judge ruled Tuesday that the Bush administration cannot change the standards commercial fisheries must meet before the tuna they catch can carry the “dolphin-safe” label. […] A U.S. Continue Reading »
There are many valuable websites to assist you in ordering Israeli products. Some suggested sites are: ? will tell you which supermarkets and grocery stores near you carry Israeli foods and beverages. Also try ,,,, (RJR)
Houston’s restaurant chain launches dress code, cell-phone limits for patrons By Karen Robinson-Jacobs, The Dallas Morning News ( ) Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News ******************** Aug. 7– Houston’s, a 27-year-old upper-end, casual dining chain, is just the kind of place you might visit for a sit-down meal after shopping or for a more special occasion. Continue Reading »
We were reading one of the myriad of food mags to which we subscribe (some food mags, others mags about the food industry), when one article caught our eye. The title of the article was something along the lines of LIME IS THE NEW LEMON. That was a real eye opener. We had no idea Continue Reading »
We confess: we have an inordinate fondness for chef’s clothing. With the possible exception of surgical scrubs, nothing is ever as comfortable as chef’s wear. In the Kosher Nexus test kitchen facility, we favor chef wear over just about anything else. Put a pair of chef’s clogs on your feet, and see if your poor, Continue Reading »
I’m back from a whirlwind week in Israel, which was totally amazing. I went on the Zamir Choral Mission; aside from singing at the opening of the Zimriya on Har HaTzofim, we also sang at a couple of retirement homes and entertained a group of 300 immigrants who had arrived from Ethiopia less than two Continue Reading »
One of our readers received the following- somewhat belated- response from the cRc: “You may note that we have had the company’s home page altered to be more specific in terms of the nature of the Kosher Pets products.” As we pointed out in our last post, however, the additional paragraph that the company added Continue Reading »
THIS JUST IN FROM THE STAR-K: KAHLUA LIQUEUR, bottled in Mexico, is NO LONGER KOSHER CERTIFIED. Rabbi Nissim Hilu discontinued certification as of June 15, 2004. Kahlua, bottled in Mexico, purchased before June 15, is acceptable. ENTENMANN’S DEVIL’S FOOD CAKE, COOKIES, & FUDGE DELIGHTS CRISPY COOKIES – FUDGE & PEANUT BUTTER (new products) are not Continue Reading »
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