We recently tried two new teas from Israel. From Wissotzky Tea, these two new flavors were the hit of our shabbes table this past week. First we tried Limonana. We love Nana tea. What could be bad about Nana tea with lemon?? Indeed it was quite good. Then we tried the Passionfruit/melon tea and it Continue Reading »
We have been thinking about the letter we received from Rabbi Fishbane of the cRc (www.crcweb.org) concerning Kosher Pets pet food. In part, the rabbi wrote: “I think the real question that needs to be answered is – do humans ever eat dog food? If yes, then we must examine the whole issue from scratch. Continue Reading »
Bison deli? Sure, why not? Abeles & Heymann (www.abeles-heymann.com; site still under construction) makes bison pastrami, corned bison, and bison hot dogs (OU-certified). This weekend I tried the bison pastrami. Yum!! It’s at least as flavorful as regular pastrami, but is much leaner. A really smooth taste. I shared a 6-ounce package with a friend Continue Reading »
“FAMILY HEIRLOOMS Odd looking, completely delicious, these tomatoes jump out of the box Olivia Wu, San Francisco Chronicle (www.sfchron.com) Staff Writer **************************** Americans love tomatoes. Americans buy tomatoes. Here’s the news, though: Americans are once again tasting tomatoes. And most of the tomatoes that truly have taste are heirloom tomatoes. […] “Heirloom” means a fruit Continue Reading »
We received the following letter from the cRc (www.crcweb.org): Dear Rabbi Rappoport: In the last few days I have gotten several questions about Kosher Pets, and since you had emailed us about this several times I would like to copy you my response to them. “Hi. I have also been following some of the discussion Continue Reading »
BREAKING NEWS FROM THE U S GOV’T: Beef and veal prices are expected to climb 10.0% to 11.0% during 2004 — two percentage points higher than projected last month according to just-released USDA data. Poultry prices meanwhile, are projected to rise 6.0% to 7.0% — compared to the 4.5% to 5.5% gain forecast one month Continue Reading »
If you look back to our last entry on the Kosher Pets (www.kosherpets.com) / cRc (www.crcweb.org) certification issue (Aug 4), you will see a new letter added by a reader. Ms. Gershona Marcus sent mail to Kosher Pets and received a most interesting reply. Ms. Marcus alludes to her letter, but we thought a brief Continue Reading »
We just loved this story from the AP (www.ap.org): By J.M. HIRSCH, Associated Press Writer “Feeling festive? Stock up on mustard, vinegar and oregano, and plan to give away some zucchini because the food industry’s marketing wizards have deemed August time to celebrate National Mustard Day, Vinegar Day, Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Continue Reading »
One of the most common questions we receive (usually via email) concerns finding a dairy spoon in the meat silverware drawer (or vice versa). What to do, what to do? Simple solution: take it out of the meat drawer and put it back in the dairy drawer. You can use it immediately. (Rema on YD Continue Reading »
Some names just add to the confusion. So, here are a few terms and what they are: Agar agar- made from seaweed, agar agar is a substitute for gelatin. It needs no hashgacha. Catalese- Catalese is used as a coagulant, and it comes from cow liver. It obviously needs hashgacha. Cholic Acid- needs hashgacha as Continue Reading »
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