The Box Tree, possibly the most expensive kosher restaurant in the whole wide world, has closed. No longer will you have to save your dollars in order to take your spouse there for an anniversary dinner. Yes, it was a wonderful restaurant. There was, frankly, nothing like it in the world. We have eaten in Continue Reading »
Well, well, well! Two things happened this week that make us mighty proud. Yes, indeed- we are mighty proud of ourselves. Although they say one should not pat one’s self on the back, we are two, so we will induldge in a little back patting. First off, major props to Alex Herrera, UTJ cyber rebbe Continue Reading »
TRY THIS TASTY TEANECK TEMPTATION There are at least 16 kosher restaurants in beautiful Teaneck, NJ, home of the UTJ (and about 14,000 Jews). However, there are very few really really GOOD kosher restaurants in Teaneck. As a public service, your intrepid Kosher Nexus staff dined at the recently opened (and still under construction) Pasta Continue Reading »
The latest edition of the Kosher Nexus is available at the UTJ web site. Go to . Enjoy!
Do you live on the edge? Do you eat/drink stuff that is past its expiration date? I have a friend who will eat stuff weeks after its expiration date. He says, “Hey, if it kills me, it kills me.” Fatalist that he is, he does live life on the edge. Most of us, however, look Continue Reading »
We got the bestest gift today. Yuppers- the very bestest!! What was it? Brownies. But these were not run of the mill brownies. Nope. These were the ne plus ultra of brownies. FAIRYTALE BROWNIES makes a product that will leave you with a Jones for more, more, more! Here is how they describe their product: Continue Reading »
CHOCOLATE SAID TO HELP BLOOD VESSELS Mon Aug 30 By EMMA ROSS, AP ( Medical Writer MUNICH, Germany – There’s more good news for chocolate lovers. Scientists have found that eating dark chocolate appears to improve the function of important cells lining the wall of blood vessels for at least three hours. […] But experts Continue Reading »
Kosher Today announced today: “Less than a year since it assumed control of Empire Kosher Poultry, Inc. (?Empire?), the nation?s largest kosher poultry company, the new owners and management announced a series of bold steps to bolster sales.” Well, we have two suggestions for Empire ( for increasing market share. First of all, lower the Continue Reading »
Yup, not overwhelmed. Not even underwhelmed. Just whelmed. We got a great email today. It said: “Silvermark will launch their new Mince & Chop this fall during the New York Gourmet Show. The new kitchen tool is designed to finely chop and mince small foods, such as garlic, shallots, herbs, nuts, and spices, directly into Continue Reading »
The New Products Showcase of Kosher Today magazine lists the Kosher Diet Club. Intrigued, we looked them up and discovered: “Move over South Beach, these days Kosher Diet Club is the weight loss program that everyone is talking about.” Frankly, we were quite surprised. No one we know has been talking about that diet plan Continue Reading »
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