Here is a product we wrote about several years ago. Since then, we have never seen it. Has anyone out there seen PINK COW MILK CARAMEL SPREAD?? This weird product is OU-D, has Russian writing on the label along with some Hebrew, some French and a lot of English, and is chalav yisrael to boot. Continue Reading »
Whoda thunk it? Fried plantain chips? And they’re kosher??? We tasted them a few years ago, and never wrote about them. We thought they would creep away in the night. Wow- were we ever wrong! Apparently, in some neighborhoods they are huge sellers. Take Ecuadorian plantains, deep fry them in (of all things) palm oil Continue Reading »
We read a fascinating article about consumer demographics here in the USA. For starters, did you know that one out of every eight people in America is Hispanic? That means if you have seven brothers and sisters and they are all Caucasian, you must be the one! Oh, wait, that isn’t what we wanted to Continue Reading »
The fine folks who run the annual KosherFest, have announced the winners in this year’s annual kosher food competition. All of these winners will exhibit at the upcoming KosherFest later this month. Best New Passover Product Ungars Food Products/Dr. Praeger?s Sensible Foods, Elmwood Park, NJ ? Passover Potato Crusted/ Fillet Fish Sticks ******* Best New Continue Reading »
Walkers Shortbread Inc, the company famous for gourmet, upscale shortbread baked goods, now offers a whole new line of crackers. Walkers introduces OATCAKES, traditional Scottish crackers. These OU-D babies include the following varities: Fine Oatcakes, Highland Oatcakes, Mini Oatcakes, Organic Oatcakes and Cracked Black Pepper Oatcakes. These biscuits (as they called on the other side Continue Reading »
The rest of the world calls it butter, but here in NYC, people say “butta.” Either way, there is a new one out there that is the ne plus ultra of buttery goodness. VERMONT BUTTER AND CHEESE COMPANY makes a cultured butter (I don’t know about you, but we hate butter with no education in Continue Reading »
We found this story in the on-line version of the Boston Herald: AT HUB’S FANCY EATERIES, PB&J GETS UPPER-CRUST TREATMENT- By Clara Silverstein Wednesday, September 29, 2004 Peanut butter and jelly has outgrown the lunchroom, finding its way onto linen-covered tables around Boston. It’s a flavor combination everyone can understand – but with a makeover. Continue Reading »
Well, it’s finally official. The OU has ruled and issued a clarion call (we would have preferred a klaxon horn, but apparently calls are clarion and horns are klaxon) for all NYC residents to install a water filter. According to the OU, if you live in New York City (or play a New Yorker on Continue Reading »
As we pause for Yom Kippur, we wish all of our readers a tzom kal (an easy fast) as well as a meaningful Yom Kippur. We would like to share a story we heard: A young man rode on the train through the frozen steppes of Russia. As he rode, he was quite fidgety. A Continue Reading »
We thought broccoli had a first name (like Balogna), but it turns out that Albert Broccoli was the man who broght us James Bond on the silver screen. Plain old, no first name broccoli is a creature of another sort. But, leave us not forget that broccoli can best be described as sunglasses from nature! Continue Reading »
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