It is that time of year when New England comes alive with the smell of hot buttered rum, mulled wine and mulled cider. We grew up in New England, and we find the smell of mulled cider to be an instant trip to nostalgia land. From the Spice Hunter comes KSA certified HOT BUTTERED RUM Continue Reading »
We grew up in an Italian/Jewish neighborhood. Pasta sauce was something that was the pride of both Jewish and Italian homes. No one would admit to even occasionally buying store made sauce! In fact, in our home we would laugh at those unfortunate folks who thought spaghetti with ketchup was a meal. (We still shudder Continue Reading »
For at least ten years now, we have spent every Thanksgiving celebrating with dear friends at the home of Mollie B. Mollie B grew up in Washington DC back when it was considered a back-water, Southern town. Long time readers of the Kosher Nexus Newsletter know that Mollie B’s preferred language is Yinglish (a mixture Continue Reading »
In our house, the Thanksgiving scene in the movie AVALON never ceases to inspire peals of hearty laughter. Lou Jacobi plays the uncle who arrives late on Thanksgiving to discover that the family- all gathered around a tightly packed table- has not waited for him. Sin of all sins, they sliced the turkey without him!! Continue Reading »
This week’s issue of KOSHER TODAY had this article about cholent: Observant Jews who used to consume cholent for the Shabbos meal once a week, are now expanding its use. According to many retailers cholent has become a popular food throughout the week, but namely Thursday and Fridays. In Monsey, Jews line up in a Continue Reading »
Let’s start with tomato skin extract: Tomato skin extract, naringenin chalcone, shows strong inhibition of histamine release. According to researchers in Japan, tests have shown fairly conclusively that tomato skin extract is an extremely effective histamine blocker. So, if you have seasonal allergies, eat a tomato. In fact, eat lots of them! Read on for Continue Reading »
Over on Kosherblog, there is an excellent review about Empire’s new sausage line. We agree with the review written there- the sausages were horrible. They were dry, not very tasty, and pretty much redolent of a chicken hot dog! Neshamah, on the other hand, as Kosherblog points out, has introduced some really fine sausages. We Continue Reading »
FLASH! BREAKING NEWS STORY! BOULDER, Colo., Nov. 16 /PRNewswire/ — Four new Celestial Seasonings teas — Honey Lemon Diet, Apple Banana Chamomile, Cinnamon Apple, and Linden Mint Herb Teas — blend key herbs and flavors that deliver health-promoting herbs in a great-tasting beverage. Look for these new flavors in a store near you! Remember: when Continue Reading »
From the online newsletter Israelinsider: Israel is bracing for a possible invasion of biblical proportions: a swarm of voracious vegetarians. The Agriculture Ministry is on “locust alert” after sightings of the ravenous arthropods were spotted along the Mediterranean coast [earlier this month], especially south of Tel Aviv around Palmahim beach. Ministry experts visited there to Continue Reading »
A lot of people swear that wasabi clears the nasal passages. A lot of other people say it doesn’t. So- who’s right? It seems that noted Doctor, David Cameron queried 22 people. He asked them to breathe through their nose just before and just after eating wasabi straight up. Fifteen participants had measurable nasal congestion Continue Reading »
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