We seldom check out commercial web sites that promote a company’s products. Most of the time, we find them self-serving (DUH!) and not very good. We saw an ad promoting recipes using Birdseye veggies, and, frankly, the recipes looked pretty good! www.birdseye.com is a great web site, and the recipes are pretty good. Uh, that Continue Reading »
This past shabbat, our local community Jewish newspaper had an ad from a whole lot of rabbis who wanted to assure us that glatt shechita is kosher shechita one hundred percent the way it’s supposed to be. This was the second ad we have seen in response to the PETA video. We realized from the Continue Reading »
The Star K today sent the following kosher alert: December 23, 2004 Effective immediately, YOGI’S KOSHER INDIAN VEGETARIAN CUISINE, located at 2450 Route 9 South, Howell, NJ, is no longer under Star-K certification and is not kosher certified. There must be a punch in there somewhere, but we are too bummed to think of one! Continue Reading »
Hershey Bars are going up! So, too, is the rest of the Hershey candy line. Average rate of increase will be about 5.8% What does that mean to you, the consumer? It means stock up now and avoid the increase for a while!! Hmmm, Starbucks is going up. Meat is going up. Kosher meat will Continue Reading »
It turns out that AOL is actually good for something after all! Today’s nutrition section had the following article re healthy drinks to have at year’s end (or any time for that matter). Hot and Healthy Holiday Drinks Next time you want something hot and delicious to drink, skip the regular old coffee and try Continue Reading »
O joy, O rapture! Kraft Foods has announced that they will be producing certified kosher Vegemite. So what is Vegemite, you ask? In 1922, Fred Walker (1884-1935) of Melbourne, Australia decided to try to make a special “yeast extract” that would be as delicious as it was nourishing. The chief scientist in the company was Continue Reading »
It looks like another scandal is going to hit the OU. One has to wonder- at what point does the so called “teflon” hashgacha (no scandal ever seems to stick to them) begin to stagger against the ropes? Mrs. Smith’s pies sure were good. So good, in fact, that people used to say, “Wow, this Continue Reading »
Nutritionists say you can eat those glistening Marcona almonds, crunchy blistered peanuts, spicy walnuts and even big fat Brazil nuts without fear of artery-clogging paybacks down the line. In fact, nuts can actually make you healthier. And, unless you gobble handfuls on top of your usual chow, they won’t make you fat. “The data on Continue Reading »
ATLANTA (Reuters) – Since the 1990s, bottled water has become a fixture in American health clubs, offices and sports stadiums, emerging as one of the most popular and fast-growing drinks on the market. Now, Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo Inc. and Nestle are betting that flavored water will find a sweet spot among U.S. consumers who find Continue Reading »
We love bourbon balls, and this recipe from Saveur magazine makes making them really quite easy. BOURBON BALLS 1 cup finely crushed vanilla wafers 1 cup finely chopped pecans 1 1/2 cup of confectioners’ sugar, divided 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa 2 ounces of kosher bourbon 1 1/2 tablespoons light corn syrup Combine vanilla wafer Continue Reading »
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