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Posted on March 1, 2005

Just when you thought the dashboard diner couldn’t hold any more food, along comes Kellogg’s with breakfast on the run. Kellogg’s introduces Drink ‘n’ Crunch, a portable breakfast in a cup. All consumers need do is add the milk of their choice. The product will, conveniently, fit in car cup holders. The product is a Continue Reading »

A Messianic Meal

Posted on February 28, 2005

In our never-ending search for the perfect shwarma, My Most Favorite Lunch Companion and I visited a restaurant called Kasbah on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. With a name like that we expected Middle Eastern food. We got it. What we didn’t expect was a side order of “the Rebbe is Moshiach.” We knew this place Continue Reading »

Andrea’s Enchiritos

Posted on February 28, 2005

This dish is a mix between an enchilada and a burrito. It’s a fabulous dish and can be made ahead of time and frozen. Try it, I promise you will like it! First Step — Make the Enchilada Sauce. It’s actually pretty easy and quick. Enchilada Sauce: 1 tsp dried minced garlic (or 4 cloves, Continue Reading »


Posted on February 28, 2005

Kraft recently sent its mayo jar for some major plastic surgery. The new jar is plastic. The new jar is oval shaped. The new jar fits on your ‘fridge door. The new jar has a large mouth, making it very convenient to use, especially with a spoon. In addition, inside the flip lid, there is Continue Reading »


Posted on February 25, 2005

Yeah baby! Peanut butter sticks- heaven on earth in the grocery section of your local market! Baking with peanut butter or even cooking with it can be messy and imprecise. But the good folks at JIF have corrected that messy situation. Announcing new JIF peanut butter sticks. Each stick is one cup and is clearly Continue Reading »


Posted on February 24, 2005

We used to think that travel was exciting. We were wrong! Airplane seats are made for Protestant back sides and not Mediterranean tushes. Leg room is non existent. The air in the plane is stale. And the airports are sterile, boring, and uncomfortable. But worst of all, try to find anything of substance that is Continue Reading »


Posted on February 23, 2005

SAVE THE DATE: MARCH 21, 2005 That day is Eat For Israel day. Select kosher restaurants will donate 10% of their business that day to a fund that helps victims of terrorism in Israel. Started by a group of Yeshiva students, the program has grown huge with yeshiva students in many communities getting kosher restaurants Continue Reading »

Noodle Rice Pilaf

Posted on February 22, 2005

This is a classic from Goodman’s Noodle Soup! 2 T butter or margarine 1 small onion, diced 1 clove garlic, minced 1 C raw white rice (not Minute Rice) 2-1/2 C water 1 envelope Goodman’s Noodle Soup 2 T chopped parsley Fresh ground black pepper Melt butter or margarine in a suacepan, saute onion and Continue Reading »


Posted on February 21, 2005

Austin is a university town. As such, it was the only blue county (Travis County) in the state. President “W” lost in that county, unique in all of Texas. Why is this important? Because of the show that goes on at Esther’s Follies in downtown Austin. The place is a dive! Inside the main room, Continue Reading »


Posted on February 18, 2005

We have written about the kosher store within a store in one of the H E B stores in Austin. Over time, we are happy to say, the fresh sandwiches served at the deli there have remained excellent. Although we still find it a tad odd to see deli served with bean sprouts, alfalfa and Continue Reading »