Yes, that was soap, not soup. Soap as in what you use to wash your cute little punim! INDIGO WILD announces the arrival in an upscale store near you of their sure to be famous ZUM BAR goats milk soap. The soap comes in 27 different flavors (they call them blends). Flavors include: clove/mint, anise/lavender, Continue Reading »
Category: Recipes When we were kids, dessert in our house was often apple sauce. Our family enjoyed some really wild applesauces over the years. Here are two recipes, one derived from the other, that we enjoyed. Take store bought applesauce and put it in a pot. Add about a half cup of red hots. Heat Continue Reading »
We got this press release recently, and we thought our readers would enjoy the news. Kosher Online Superstore To Expand For Immediate Release NEW YORK/EWORLDWIRE/Oct. 27, 2005 —, the leading worldwide distributor of kosher foods online, has announced that it plans to triple its distribution facilities within the next six to eight months. “The Continue Reading »
Hershey’s Chocolate has been real busy of late. In addition to some acquisitions, they have also begun a series of additions to the venerable Kisses line of wrapped chocolate treats. This month, Hershey introduced peanut butter-filled Kisses. Limited-edition cherry cordial creme-filled Kisses will be introduced before the end of the year, and coconut creme-filled Kisses Continue Reading »
Category: General Topics We remember reading Hints From Heloise every Sunday in the color section of the paper, ie, the comics pages. Stuck in between Dagwood and Blondie, Alley Oop, Beetle Baily and all the rest of the gang were a bunch of really weird helpful hints for making daily living an easier affair. Our Continue Reading »
Category: General Topics Finally, finally, finally. Some one has finally written THE book on scotch. There is so much scotch out there, and so little time at the weekly Kiddush Club, what’s a Jew to do??? For starters, buy the book: THE SCOTCH WHISKEY DIRECTORY by Phillip Hills. Utilizing four top industry tasters who “sacrificed Continue Reading »
Category: General Topics This week, Kosher Today carried a great story about the growth of kosher homes. For your pleasure (and ours, too, for we love to keep reading the article), we reprint the article here…………. More Jews Setting Up Kosher Homes (New York) It has become an almost weekly feature in many of the Continue Reading »
Category: General Topics THE BREAK FAST The other day in shul, after morning minyan, one of the regulars asked each of us what we were going to eat for the break fast. He began by telling us his menu. The rest of us were totally taken aback as he listed brisket, kugel, tzimmes, and all Continue Reading »
Category: General Topics As Yom Kippur draws closer, we pray that each of us will achieve a chatima tova (ie, that we be sealed for good and blessing). We view Yom Kippur as a journey- one that begins at the first plaintive note of Kol Nidrei and ends with the tekia gedola that marks the Continue Reading »
Category: Recipes We got this recipe on the Jewish Food mail list. The person who posted it there, got it from where it apparently appeared as part of a Chanukah meal. It sure looks good to us! APPLE-ONION NOODLEKUGEL 4Tbsp canola or vegetable oil 2 medium onions, chopped 2 medium Golden Delicious apples, cored Continue Reading »
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