We saw this recipe in Bon Appetit magazine, and, frankly, we were impressed. Lox sure has come a long way! Check out this easy to make hoity toity attention grabber: (For an easy Creme Fraice recipe see the KN newsletter, Vol 13, No. 1. Go to www.utj.org and look in the KN archives.) 1/4 cup Continue Reading »
As a kid in Philadelphia, we ate it all the time. We called it Kamish bread. It always had nuts and fruit in it. It was not quite as crunchy as a biscotti nor as dry as Mandebrot. In our home, our mom baked it all the time. Often michiqs, it was the one treat Continue Reading »
We got a great note with a recipe from a truly wonderful person the other day. Here’s what she had to say: Hello, Kosher Nexus people!! I love your critiques; the KN is one of the best ways to learn about the latest kosher offerings and your style makes me laugh aloud! HOWEVER (You knew Continue Reading »
TYSON- the chicken giant- offers a free booklet with many forms of prayers to be said prior to a meal. On their web site they offer samples of the prayers contained in the non-denominational booklet: ‘Round the table peace and joy prevail. May all who share this meal’s delight enjoy countless more. Thank you for Continue Reading »
Here are some of the latest things about which you should be aware. Pay attention. There will be a quiz next week………. 7/11 will introduce Crystal Light Passion Fruit later this month. It is kosher and pareve. The new Mountain Dew flavors (Blue Shock, AMP, Code Red, Live Wire and Pitch Black) are all kosher. Continue Reading »
This is the time of year for excellent hot chocolate recipes. Nothing works better after an exhilerating hour or so of snow shoveling or sliding down a hill than a cup of really good hot chocolate. This recipe is from Southern Living magazine. Go firgure! Hot Chocolate Deluxe 1/4 cup boiling water 1/3 cup chocolate Continue Reading »
Recently we were walking in Brooklyn along one of the main drags of a largely Jewish area. Both sides of the street were lined with all manner of stores catering to the Jews in the area. Then, all of sudden, there it was: the sign on a fruit store read Glatt Kosher! We were so Continue Reading »
Koshergourmetmart.com is a wonderful place to shop. We really like them for two reasons: The owner reads this blog and she carries just about everything! Here is what the owner had to say: fyi: many products you mention like neshama sausages (buy 3 get 1 free), beyond classics (with free shipping on 4+ bottles), Royal Continue Reading »
The newest edition of the Kosher Nexus Newsletter is available at: http://utj.org/Kitchen/knexus/knv13n2.pdf Enjoy!
Perhaps you might recall that back in July and August of ’04, we ran a series of articles on Kosher Pets, so called kosher pet food. We even ran a letter from the cRc asking for input from us. Well, now it is official! The cRc no longer c ertifies KosherPets pet food as kosher Continue Reading »
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