Category: Our resident chef Oh baby, was this a production! With secular new year falling on a weekend, I figured that I would have an extra day to recover from any self-inflicted food coma. I decided on New Year’s day to try to develop the best kosher fried chicken recipe. I actually started this madness Continue Reading »
We like coffee. Making a pot for one person, however, is a waste of good coffee. Cruising the ‘Net, we found and we discovered a whole world of options. We bought a Keurig B40 Elite Brewer. This is one neat machine. It brews K-cups of coffee. Each K-cup produces a perfect cup of coffee. Continue Reading »
Just gotta love the fine folks over at I’M NOT MARTHA. Their emails make our day. Recently, they posted the question: Why do fish smell fishy? Here is their answer (and a good one it is!): Well, what else are they going to smell like? Birds? LOL! Actually, they’re not supposed to smell fishy. The Continue Reading »
There’s a new baked rice crisp out there and it’s pretty darn good! BAKED RICE KRISPS are OU-D certified. Flavors include: Sea Salt and Pepper, Sour Cream and Onion, Nacho and Barbeque. These crisps are made with brown rice, are wheat free, gluten free and cholesterol free. On the net you can find them at Continue Reading »
We’ll be honest- we have not tried this company’s products. We stumbled upon them on the web in answer to someone’s request for info. We were intriqued by what we saw and read about. Hoffner’s makes OU kosher, gluten free products. Those products include:pastas, breads and rolls, cookies, bread crumbs, croutons, snack foods and farfel. Continue Reading »
As this story from Fortune Small Business (on line edition) shows, it may soon be time to bid adieu to soggy sandwiches………. Emily Esterson, FSB contributor February 9, 2006: 9:05 AM EST NEW YORK (FORTUNE Small Business Magazine) – Thanks to Diana’s Homegrown, a startup in tiny Lemitar, N.M. (pop. 200), you may soon have Continue Reading »
People often ask us where we stay when we are in Jerusalem. The answer is quite simple. Unless we are crashing with the kids at their place, we stay at the Dan Panorama Hotel. The Dan P is our usual home in Israel. Frankly, we have stayed there so many times that the staff at Continue Reading »
In the current edition of the Kosher Nexus Newsletter, Chief Baalebusta Deborah Wenger wrote about Klein’s Mango Sorbet. She neglected to menion that the other flavors are also pretty, pretty, pretty good. We recently had the ooportunity to taste the Raspberry and the Strawberry flavors. Both were excellent. We especially liked the Raspberry. It had Continue Reading »
We will back on Monday, Feb. 20th with new material. Until then, as we continue to repair our damaged blog, please be patient. New stuff is coming- promise! Rabbi Jeffrey Rappoport
We apologize to any of you who saw the terrible and hostile takeover of the KN this past weekend. The people who did it should be ashamed of themselves. They admit that they did it out of sheer malicious intent. Please ignore what you saw. It was not us, obviously. UTJ cyer rebbe, Alex Herrera, Continue Reading »
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