More breaking news: Condolences to the family of Reb Yossel Baaltzeduka, who was hounded to death by schnorrers who found out that he had written a $10 check to a charity he had never heard of and didn’t ask for documentation. More breaking news ahead……………. The World Union of Serious Shadchanim (WUSS) called for the Continue Reading »
This just in: Breaking News………. Cue sound effects……………. The Vaad of Queens, ever vigilant, has added to their growing list of forbidden products. New on the list and just before Purim, the Vaad announced that Mun (Moon/alt. spelling) Hamantaschen were verboten on Purim. Rabbi Kitten of the Vaad announced that even worse than the mostly Continue Reading »
I’ve been cooking for a friend lately, and she has been sharing some neat recipes with me. Here’s one I really liked. 2 Cups Green Lentils, washed and sorted (watch for little stones) Put the lentils in a soup pot and cover with water. The water should be about 1/2 inch above the lentils. Cook Continue Reading »
If it is almost Purim, then it must be time to prepare for Passover and the Seder. You can download – in Hebrew/English/Transliteration – FREE materials for Passover that are NEW and UPDATED for 5766 / 2006 in addition to previously published useful materials at, sponsored by Foundation For Family Education, Inc. 501c3 (We’ve Continue Reading »
Technically, I don’t think Moshe’s Cafe can be called a cafe – or a restaurant of any sort. It’s basically just a counter outside the Citicorp Center on Lexington Avenue and 53d Street in Manhattan. But it was the latest stop on My Most Favorite Lunch Companion’s and my search for the perfect shwarma – Continue Reading »
This is an awesome and super easy soup to prepare. Make it a day ahead for an even better taste! Brown and completely cook 1lb ground beef in bottom of large stockpot. Add in 1/2 to 1 chopped onion. Once sauteed, add in: 1 15oz can tomato sauce 1 15oz can black beans rinsed 1 Continue Reading »
A certain magazine that deals with issue of “kashrus” recently ran an ad for a machine that will sift up to five pounds of flour at a time to make sure that you don’t get any bugs in your flour. In truth, the US Gov’t allows a certain amount of “defect”‘ in products. Defect refers Continue Reading »
We subscribe to HaModia- a chareidi newspaper. (We like the ads.) On Friday, March 3rd, a headline caught our eye: THE ERLAUER RAV CALLS FOR TOTAL BAN ON UNAUTHORIZED CELL PHONES We were totally taken aback! Is this a big problem in the chareidi community, ie, people using illegal cell phones? How unusual! So we Continue Reading »
So what’s all the fuss about bottled water? Did you know that the bottled water business is a $3 Billion Dollar a year business here in the USA? If you are as old as we are, you shake your head in wonder at it all. Whoda thunk that the day would come when we would Continue Reading »
FROM THE FEBRUARY 27 EDITION OF KOSHER TODAY: It’s Official: Israir Now a Designated Airline for NY-TLV Route (Tel Aviv) Israir will soon compete head-on with El Al for scheduled non-stop flight to Ben Gurion International Airport, just outside of Tel Aviv. This development follows El Al’s failure to convince Israel’s High Court to deny Continue Reading »
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