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Posted on April 24, 2006

We hope that you had a wonderful Passover. For those of you who tried the Passover Hot Line but either did not get through or did not get a call back, we beg your pardon and understanding. It turns out that our electronic phone system was not quite up to the task! The answering and Continue Reading »


Posted on April 18, 2006

We came across this story on the web. We were able to determine that it is a true story. It concerns a group of Chareidi hackers in Israel with a mission to blot out pornography on the web. There’s interesting news out of Israel, where a group of ultra-Orthodox hackers are waging a war against Continue Reading »


Posted on April 17, 2006

This story comes to you from the GREEN GUIDE #113 March/April 2006 Kosher Organic Eggs for Passover by Amy Topel “Passover is the Jewish celebration of liberation from slavery. To prepare for Passover, a thorough spring cleaning takes place. Jewish kitchens are scrubbed from top to bottom to remove all traces of leaven. The week Continue Reading »


Posted on April 11, 2006

When we were kids, our house was always noisy and full of commotion. There were (and still are, thank God) six kids, and together with our assorted friends, we made quite a baalagan! Passover was a very special time in our home. What with assorted grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, groupies, students from the Coast Continue Reading »


Posted on April 10, 2006

We always read Kosher Blog. It is a great place to visit, and they always have good stuff there. The other day, we found a link there to a great recipe in the Boston Globe. We reproduce it here for your pleasure. Festive fruit kugel April 5, 2006 Margarine or butter (for the dish) 4 Continue Reading »


Posted on April 7, 2006

Someone sent us this recipe last year. Reviewing our personal archives, we stumbled across it once again. We apparently noted on the recipe that it was a hit last year. 1 can cranberry sauce (we use whole berry)4 cups matzo farfel/ferfel4 eggs2/3 cup oil1/2 cup sugar2 tsp. vanilla1/2 tsp. cinnamon Pour cold water over farfel, Continue Reading »

Outrageous Passover Apple Kugel

Posted on April 6, 2006

This has got to be one of the best kugels I have tasted in a long time. Some Passover kugels are a hit and some are a miss. This one is an outrageous hit! It’s been tested on several “guinea pigs” and they LOVED it! Enjoy! A happy, healthy and kosher Pesach to y’all!–Andrea 4 Continue Reading »


Posted on April 5, 2006

THE NEW, UPDATED FOR 5772, PASSOVER FAQ IS HERE Every year, the number of questions we receive at the Operation Pesah Hot Line continues to grow and grow. We are most pleased to note this increase as it points to a heightened level of awareness and observance of the holiday. Included in this special edition Continue Reading »


Posted on April 3, 2006

Some years back, someone asked a major posek of the time to forbid smoking. The posek replied that he could not assur smoking (forbid it), because Gedolim smoked. The answer put that rabbi outside the ranks of halacha. Of all the reasons he could have given to not assur smoking, that one was totally non Continue Reading »


Posted on March 31, 2006

A few years back, the hot new item for Passover was kosher for Passover window cleaner. We can’t tell you how helpful that one has been! When we are short of plates for the seder, we just pop a window out of the window and use it for a plate. And why not? With KP Continue Reading »