Godiva has entered the market of fine, delectable ice cream bars. These babies are not the kind your kids snarf down several times each day of summer. No sirree, Jack! These are “put the coins on my eyes for I have surely died” kind of adult treats you will want to hide from the kiddies. Continue Reading »
We always thought those mini keg cans of beer were kind of cute. Turns out, some other people out there also like (really) mini kegs. Halutza Isreli Olive Oil is made in the dessert. In fact, their publicity claims, “Deep beneath the arid terrain of the Negev desert, sits ancient reservoirs that took thousands of Continue Reading »
We got this press release directly from the sausage lady herself. Pay attention- this is important! Rebecca Pepkowitz Kosher Foods, LLC is proud to announce the appearance of “The Sausage Lady™” on WUSA on Monday, August 14 in the 9am segment.RPKF will be cooking up Neshama Gourmet Kosher Chicken & Turkey Sausages. As always the Continue Reading »
Koshergourmetmart.com is pleased to announce the adding of several new vendors to the store: John Kelly Chocolates-Gourmet Fudge and Truffle Fudge Bars. Includes flavors like peanut butter, cappuccino, vanilla and plain. http://www.koshergourmetmart.com/catalog/index.php?manufacturers_id=84 YummyEarth Organic all natural lollipopsYummyEarth organic lollipops don’t include yucky chemicals, pesticides or dyes found in regular “chemical candy.” And they taste much Continue Reading »
Quick: What is pilpel angli? How about shoosh? Or, what about pereg? If you are like us, you fall apart if you have to buy spices in a place where they are labeled in Hebrew. So here is a wonderful web page that will tell you the names of the spices in Hebrew. http://www.dictionary.co.il/view.php?offset=0&topics=h0711&limit=50&x=74&y=8 Check Continue Reading »
We got this recipe from Whole Foods Market. We made some adjustments so it could be kosher, and Voila! Quel Burger Deluxe!! Ultimate Burger Grilled onions and the ripest tomatoes available make this burger a classic! Serves Serves 4 11/2 pounds ground meat sea salt, to taste ground pepper, to taste 2 large Vidalia or Continue Reading »
Tisha B’Av came and went in a blaze of incredible heat throughout much of the USA. Temperatures soared for days and 9 Av was no exception. Finally, this past shabbat (and not a moment too soon, btw) the heat wave broke. Although it is still quite hot, it is nowhere near as hot nor as Continue Reading »
Two weeks ago, a story ran in the Forward News paper about a group of people in the Mid-West who were trying to purchase kosher meat that was not glatt. Conservative Jews and their rabbis in some Mid-West communities were described as having essentially no luck in purchasing meat that is not glatt. The article Continue Reading »
Walnuts’ Potential New Link to Heart Health Reported By Marcia WoodJuly 31, 2006 Walnuts, already shown in some studies to reduce “bad” (LDL) cholesterol, may have yet another way of enhancing cardiovascular health. University of California-Davis (UC-Davis) scientists and their Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and University of Padova (Italy) co-investigators have found that laboratory hamsters Continue Reading »
From Kosher Today A Kosher Cheese is Noticed at Prestigious Competition Deerfield, IL…Mark Rosen of Sugar River Cheese Co. had something to cheer about last week. He learned that the American Cheese Society Competition and Judging had awarded his Monterey Rack with Roasted Garlic and Basil second place in its category. The award means even Continue Reading »
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