Protein Triggers Weight Loss Hormone Study: High-Protein Foods Sate Hunger (WebMD)Eating protein triggers a natural weight-loss hormone, British researchers say. When released in the gut, the hormone known as PYY reduces hunger. And high-protein foods set off PYY better than other foods, according to Rachel L. Batterham, M.D., of University College London, and colleagues. Recent Continue Reading »
On Monday, Sept 11, 2006 AOL ran this story about a trefe balogna. All we can say is that we sure are glad we keep kosher. This story falls into the category of “Y’all ain’t gonna believe this stuff!” Hey, we couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried. So read on and just remember- Continue Reading »
Wow! This has been some week! Scandal galore.Food for thought. There is at least one magazine devoted to matters of kashrus that must be rolling in joy, screaming with delight and already writing scores of scandal alerts! This story comes from the electronic version of the Forward. The article deals with two scandals: one the Continue Reading »
We have never been too happy with the current situation allowed by most kosher vaadot in the USA vis a vis on site hashgacha. It seems that most vaadot allow the owner- IF HE IS ORTHODOX- to be a part of the ongoing hashgacha of the store. We have always felt that standard was a Continue Reading »
Campbell’s Vegetarian Vegetable Soup will no longer be certified by the O/U. Cans still bearing the O/U are certified.
Many kosher agencies use a DE to indicate that a product is inherently pareve, but was made on dairy equipment. The whole idea is that food with a DE may not be eaten together with meat, but it may be eaten immediately after meat. The OU does not use the DE designation. When something is Continue Reading »
In this past week’s Forward, Rabbi Menachem Genack, rabbinic administrator and CEO of OU Kosher, responded to the article by Prof.Shapiro. Let’s go to the end of the rabbi’s remarks first. In his last paragraph, the rabbi wrote: “… we at the OU are proud of the sea change we have brought about in the Continue Reading »
We are thankful to Rabbi Eidlitz of the Kosher Information Bureau for this information. Tic Tac products manufactured in Europe with Hebrew writing and distributed in Israel over the last several years, have generally been accepted as kosher. However, it has now been discovered that there may have been falsifying of documents regarding that product, Continue Reading »
Ok, so it’s not a crazy person. Go know it’s a dessert. Gosh, and what a dessert it is. Once you have had Bananas Foster, you have seen the fabled castle in the sky. Or, as they say in New Orleans: They ain’t nuttin like it, honeychild! We found a simple recipe in the pages Continue Reading »
Here are some more really weird recipes that we found for you. Once again, make these recipes at your own peril. As there apparently is no end to what people will actually eat, we encourage you to not send us your favorite! Bisquick Ick A really great dish, actually: Make a couple of pancakes with Continue Reading »
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