From Long Island Newsday, comes this story about Kosher wine. It really doesn”t say anything that hasn’t been said in at least four hundred other newspapers, but, still, it’s always nice to read about Kosher wines. Not your father’s kosher wine BY PETER M. GIANOTTINewsday Staff Writer September 20, 2006 Kosher wine, once a shelf Continue Reading »
Could a new Coke drink burn calories? By SCOTT LEITHThe Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionPublished on: 09/22/06 Coca-Cola’s feeling the burn, and not just from the ever-hot competition posed by PepsiCo. Coke later this year plans to introduce Enviga, a green tea drink that will claim to have calorie buring powers. Beverage Digest reported Friday that Enviga will Continue Reading »
South Florida has a paper called ENTERTAINMENT NEWS AND VIEWS. The sub heading is that they are “dedicated to the good life.” Inside this paper are all the usual ads for movies, restaurants, plays, performances, etc. But it was the cover story of the September 2006 issue (vol 26 no. 8) that really caught our Continue Reading »
As we enter into a new year, the entire staff of the Kosher Nexus Newsletter and the Kosher Nexus Daily Blog all join with me in wishing you a shana tova. Ketiva v’chatima tova to each and every one of you. May Israel know true peace in the new year, and may we all be Continue Reading »
Here is a fascinating story from this week’s Kosher Today. It pretty much says what we said recently- we have to do something to prevent more abuses and more scandals. Read on………… Rabbis and Community Look for Elusive Answers Monsey, NY…At meetings this week of rabbinic groups and certification agencies, a number of proposals were Continue Reading »
We were sitting around schmoozing the other day, when we asked a friend who owns a kosher food business for his take on the Monsey scandal. We commented to him that we find it strange that almost every local vaad allows the owner of a kosher business (if he is shomer shabbat) to be his Continue Reading »
Here is a great recipe courtesy of Robin Blank of Norman’s in Jerusalem. It sure looks good to us. In fact, we are going to try it! We will let you know……… Chicken in Pomegranate sauce1 large chicken, quartered3 tbs olive oil1 onion chopped250 g coarsely chopped walnuts4-6 pomegranatesThe juice of two lemons1 tbs sugarSalt Continue Reading »
Readers of the KN know that we like to hang in Norman’s in Jerusalem. Their take out menu for Rosh Hashanah means that those of you in J’lem don’t have to cook. Let Norman (ok, Norman is actually Robin, but that is another story.) cook for you. Norman‘s Rosh Hashana Take Out Menu All meats Continue Reading »
No, it’s not Scarlett Johansson; it’s not Mila Kunis; it’s not Deborah Messing. It’s also not Laura Prepon, Natalie Portman nor Jamie Lynn Siegler. We are talking about the food product called honey. Honey- as in dip your challah in the honey, dip your apple in the honey and put some honey into your tea! Continue Reading »
The following article appeared in the NY Times on Weds, Sept 13th Tea’s Got a Brand New Bag By FLORENCE FABRICANT Published: September 13, 2006 – THE tea bag, a clever enough idea at first, went terribly awry somewhere along the way, at least in the view of people who love to savor their tea. Continue Reading »
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