The article in the NY Jewish Week tells the tale of a push by the Vaad of the Five Towns (Long Island’s tony south shore) to exercise control on one of their client businesses. Actually, it was the last part of yesterday’s post that truly tells the tale: “But The Jewish Star, a weekly that Continue Reading »
The following story appeared in the Oct. 27 issue of the Jewish Week, a New York City newspaper. Kosher Hardball In Five Towns Area Vaad threatens to withdraw certification from longtime kosher establishment, reportedly over personality conflict. Stewart Ain – Staff Writer An owner of a major kosher supermarket in the Five Towns says he Continue Reading »
The Culinary Institute of America offers you the opportunity to buy an instant kitchen set up. This kit contains everything you could possibly use. And then some. The price? A mere $5,000 for the whole set. A bargain at twice the price! Check out the whole thing below: Cookware 8″ Nonstick Sauté 10″ Sauté 10″ Continue Reading »
Is that meat really kosher? Rabbis plans tighter rules to prevent fraud By Lisa J. Huriash South Florida Sun-Sentinel Posted October 23 2006 The scandal over one small New York butcher selling non-kosher chickens is having repercussions in Jewish communities in South Florida and around the nation. A butcher in Monsey, N.Y. — a primarily Continue Reading »
Wowzers boys and girls, it seems that Duncan Hines may return to the glory days of pareve cake mixes once again. Well, we say it’s about time. We are almost out of the supply we squirreled away when they went dairy. Check out the story as it appeared in this week’s Kosher Today: Cherry Hill, Continue Reading »
A few days back, we reported that Cambell’s Vegetarian Vegetable soup would no longer be OU certified. At that time, we did not realize that there is a whole lot more to the story. What we should have said was “Hey, Lucy, this time you got a whole lotta ‘splaining to do!” The following story Continue Reading »
When we came across this recipe, we thought it was a joke. T’weren’t no joke, as they say down South. So we figured, what the heck! WHAT YOU WILL NEED: salmon fillets aluminum foil a lemon a few butter pats electric dishwasher Place the fish on two large sheets of aluminum foil. Squeeze on some Continue Reading »
As promised, here are more cereals with their brachot. Click below to see today’s list. The following GENERAL MILLS cereals with the OU have MEZONOT for their bracha: Basic 4,Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Chex, Golden Grahams, Honey Nut Chex, Honey Nut Clusters, Oatmeal Crisp, Raisin Nut Bran, Rice Chex, Total, Total Raisin Bran, Wheat Continue Reading »
We came across the recipe on line the other day. Aside from the fact that it made us shudder at the thought of it, we figured, hey, why not……….. Why not indeed. This is one for the dust heap of recipes……………………………………… Pickle Soup adapted from the molly goldberg jewish cookbook Description Ingredients 5 Dried Mushroom Continue Reading »
Dutch Gold makes honey. Ok, you didn’t need us to tell you that! The question is: did you know that Dutch Gold makes lots of different kinds of OU certified honeys? Well, they do. Read what the company has to say about their honeys below…………. ALFALFA HONEY is gathered from alfalfa flowers which grow in Continue Reading »
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