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Posted on December 11, 2006

O Danny Boy, the gifts, the gifts are calling………. Located on the Midrochov, near the top (ie, near King George St) at 17 Ben Yehuda St, is Danny Boy Gifts. Danny is a young fellow with an excellent head for buisness, schmoozerei, and selection. We have known Danny for years, and we always get a Continue Reading »


Posted on December 8, 2006

When our kids were small, they used to complain that their father took way too long to leave the room after kiddush. They used to do their own vaudeville versions of daddy the rabbi leaving the kiddush. Nowadays, they make fun of the way we are so well known along the Midrochov in Jerusalem. We Continue Reading »


Posted on December 8, 2006

By now, everyone knows that Norman’s Steak and Burger is owned by the very beautiful, talented and witty Robin Blank. She is the new(so to speak) Norman, of Norman’s. We went to see Robin and to enjoy her hospitality on Weds. night. We had a blast. We started with the American appetizer plate: onion rings, Continue Reading »


Posted on December 7, 2006

Dinner Tuesday night was at Limonim (Lemons), a very lovely restaurant located in the German Quarter on Emek Refaim above the Jerusalem Khan Theater. And what a dinner it was! The menu there is fairly eclectic. For our appetizer we had meat patties with cinnamon and in a fruit sauce. They also offer meat patties Continue Reading »


Posted on December 6, 2006

Located in the Wofson Tower in Jerusalem, the Belida Cafe is a great place to grab a nice dairy lunch, afternoon snack, late mornng breakfast or “aruchat eser (10:00am snack time).” Supervision is Rabbanut, and although a dairy restaurant, the certificate states Mehadrin. As it turns out, daughter Tali is friends with the head chef Continue Reading »


Posted on December 5, 2006

Located in the heart of Talpiot, this Mehadrin restaurant is an amazing place to dine. In one short sentence: the food never stops!! We came, we saw, we ate and ate and ate, and we were conquered! For starters, the salad dishes literally never stop coming to the table. You start with fourteen salads and Continue Reading »


Posted on December 4, 2006

Colleges adopt students’ recipes By Stephanie Reitz, Associated Press Writer | November 29, 2006 STORRS, Conn. –Stung by decades of jokes about mystery meat and soggy sandwiches, college dining halls around the country are borrowing recipes from the ultimate authority on heartwarming meals: Mom. (And Dad, too.) That’s how Kristina Forzaglia’s favorite dish — her Continue Reading »


Posted on December 4, 2006

There are some products that just shouldn’t see the light of day. Some things just don’t cut it. Candy Cane bagels is one of those things. Anyway, click below to read on…………… Candy Cane Bagels for the holidays Posted Nov 14th 2006 9:04AM by Nicole Weston Filed under: Breakfast, Restaurants, Food Oddities, New Products, Bakeries Continue Reading »


Posted on December 1, 2006

Motzei Shabbes Kodesh (ie, Saturday night), we leave for Israel, IY”H. Oh, and if the unions in Israel will allow us to land! We are going to visit the kids in Jerusalem and take them shopping, etc. Of course, they will make singularly good attempts at dinner by making reservations! While there, we hope to Continue Reading »


Posted on November 30, 2006

It has been a few years since kosher beef jerky appeared on the market and, just as quickly, disappeared. In the meanwhile, those of us who like the stuff were left totally bereft, without a source of kosher beef jerky. Boo hoo for us! Well, that is about to change, folks! Click below……… “Kosher Heaven Continue Reading »