This story appeared on Monday, Jan 22, 2007 in KOSHER TODAY. It concerns more fallout from the Agri Processors story, and the destruction of a long standing relationship between a Conservative rabbi and an Orthodox rabbi. Click below………….. Friendship of Orthodox and Conservative Rabbi in Tatters Over Kashrus IssuesSt. Paul… It all began almost a Continue Reading »
Well, so far on this trip, we have eaten in Steakiyat Tzidkiyahu twice.Each time it was a gustatory feast- a real treat for the stomach!! We still can not get over the fourteen different side dishes/appetizers that are put on the table. Not only do they put all that food on the table, but they Continue Reading »
Here is a story that comes from CNN Money.It concerns an organization that claims that Wal Mart is perpetuated a huge fraud on the American public. Click below to read the sordid details……….. Wal-Mart Accused of ‘Organic Fraud’ By Grace Wong CNNMoney NEW YORK (Jan. 17) — A policy research group is accusing Wal-Mart of Continue Reading »
When we were here one month ago, we couldn’t help but notice that more and more restaurants are going Glatt. Was this a sign of anything or just a case of good business practices??? From Kosher Today this week, comes this story about the Glatt-ification of Jerusalem: Jerusalem Establishments Left With Little Choice But to Continue Reading »
Finally, a pareve ice cream that tastes good and is actually worth eating. From Turtle Mountain comes some new products that you will want to grace your shabbat dessert table…….. The company offers SO DELICIOUS pareve ice cream and PURELY DECADENT pareve ice cream. Both are extraordinary products. We tried some of each and they Continue Reading »
Please God, this Tuesday, we leave for Israel once again. This time we will be in the Holy Land for two weeks. Yup, count ’em- fourteen days! It’s a mechiyah. We will probably not hit any new places, but rather will hit some of the old standards and dependable stand bys. But, we shall keep Continue Reading »
This past motzei shabbat, we set off for the wilds of Manhattan and went to see A JEW GROWS IN BROOKLYN.This one man show, starring Jake Ehrenreich, is a most wonderful diversion. In short, we had a blast! Jake stands on stage and often breaks the third wall and engages the audience in conversation. Not Continue Reading »
Price of beer seen going higherBy LAUREN SHEPHERD ASSOCIATED PRESS1/10/2007 NEW YORK – Before making a beer run, lager lovers may soon need to start searching suds-soaked sofas for a few more dollars and cents thanks, in part, to the rising cost of barley. Production numbers are down and costs are up for the grain, Continue Reading »
Snapple adds RED TEA to their rapidly growing empire of great teas. Here is the company’s press release: Snapple Waves Red, White and Green for America’s Tea Lovers Category Leader Continues to Redefine the Tea Phenomenon with Newest Red Tea Addition to its ‘Good For You’ Super Premium Line RYE BROOK, N.Y., Jan. 8 /PRNewswire/ Continue Reading »
Another one of our favorite stores on the Midrochov is Zakaim Bros, located at 7 Ben Yehuda Street. They are at the bottom of the Midrochov. Joseph (he should live and be well until 120!) and Alfred (Ellie) are the father and son who run this store. They deal in all sorts of gold and Continue Reading »
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