Yes, boys and girls, it’s finally here! Admit it- beneath all the complaints, Passover is still your favorite holiday. We have scrubbed and cleaned- our hands are in desperate need of a manicure! The kitchen floor gets mopped twice a day at this point as more and more food is prepped and put into the Continue Reading »
This is a press release recently issued by Coca Cola North America- COCA-COLA NORTH AMERICA ANNOUNCES PLANS TO LAUNCH DIET COKE PLUSâ„¢ “Great Taste Has Its Benefits” ATLANTA, March 22, 2007 – Coca-Cola North America today announced it will launch Diet Coke Plusâ„¢, a sparkling, calorie-free beverage with vitamins and minerals. In addition to providing Continue Reading »
CHOCOLATE MATZAH 1 lg. pkg. chocolate chips (or 12 oz. chopped chocolate bar) 1 tbsp. butter 4 Matzah Need saucepan or double boiler, cooking sheet, waxed paper, mixing spoon, rolling pin and measuring spoon. 1. Melt chocolate and butter over low heat, stir to prevent burning. 2. Break matzah into small pieces and stir into Continue Reading »
Passover means eggs- lots of eggs. And in that pyramid of eggs, there are a whole lot of hard boiled eggs. Yet, it seems that far too many people do not know how to make the perfect hard cooked egg. So, the Kosher Nexus blog (via Southern Living magazine) rides to the rescue. Here is Continue Reading »
The following article appeared on AOL, and details some serious health concerns……….. Chinese Restaurant Food Called Unhealthy Study Casts Critical Eye at Typical Menu By LIBBY QUAID AP WASHINGTON (March 21) – The typical Chinese restaurant menu is a sea of nutritional no-nos, a consumer group has found. A plate of General Tso’s chicken, for Continue Reading »
Turns out the whole kosher for Passover gasoline story was a fake. A put-on. Or, as my beloved zaydeh used to say, invent a better mousetrap and along will come a better class of mice. Here is what Avi’s Corner had to say: For the record, I don’t believe that this story is real, especially Continue Reading »
This appeared in a local NJ Jewish paper. We are, frankly, still shaking our head…………… Kosher for Passover Gasoline – no joking! Kosher for Passover Gasoline By Danielle Wolfbergand and Henry Lorman Bergen County Jewish Times Teaneck, New Jersey March 1,2007 Yaniv Ban-Zaken, a local gas station owner, will be selling Kosher for Passover gasoline Continue Reading »
Starbucks plans to open at least 40,000 more stores over the medium term, half of them outside the U.S., according to Spanish financial newspaper, Expansion. Starbucks Chief Executive Jim Donald told the paper that the chain is expanding at a rate of six shops and 350 new employees per day, reported Reuters. *********** We are Continue Reading »
Coke And L’Oreal Partner On New Health Beverage March 12, 2007 By Kenneth Hein NEW YORK — Coca-Cola and L’Oréal are partnering to create a new health-and-beauty beverage to launch in 2008, sources said. Currently called Lumaé, the nutraceutical drink was trademarked as a tea-based ready-to-drink beverage by Coca-Cola’s Beverage Partners Worldwide division. The drink, Continue Reading »
BENEFIBER for retail sale has been reformulated and is now made from chometz ingredients. The Benefiber listed in our 2007 Passover Guide Addendum (page 139) only applies to the institutional chometz-free Resource Benefiber. Our best wishes for a Chag Kosher V’Sameach.
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