SEATTLE – Starbucks Corp. said Monday it was raising prices for its coffee and other freshly made drinks in most of its U.S. stores by 9 cents this month, citing rising costs, including dairy products, energy and fuel. In a statement issued after markets closed, Starbucks said the price hike will take effect July 31, Continue Reading »
There is a new game in town, boys and girls. This is a new web site with a simple premise: put a whole lot of kosher restaurants together in one web site and make it easy to order from any of them. From the web site’s own statement: Hungry for some Kosher? is a Continue Reading »
In an article entitled “New Power of Kosher Blogs are a Mixed Blessing, Kashrus Officials Say” which appeared in Kosher Today on Monday, July 23, 2007, the claim was that there are blogs out there that rush things into print long before they ascertain the truth of what they write. The article quoted Rabbi Moshe Continue Reading »
We never knew there are so many different kinds of avocados. We thought that Hass avocados are all there are. Gosh, were we ever wrong! DONNIE: sort of looks like a light green papaya, and grows to as much as 6 inches or more. Flesh is light and mild. Due to size, this one is Continue Reading »
BEEF 1. Prevent burger bulge by pressing your thumb into the center of patties while they’re still raw. They’ll fill out again as the meat cooks. 2. Hands off! While constantly flipping the burgers might make you feel like you’re really playing with fire, it doesn’t do much good for your meat’s moisture. For killer Continue Reading »
From the “I’m Not Martha” list: GINGER * Ginger is commonly used as a spice in cuisines throughout the world. Though commonly referred to as a root, it is actually the rhizome. * In the fresh state, it has a characteristic staghorn-like appearance; dried ginger is usually sold in form of an off- white to Continue Reading »
Long time KN readers know that we love honey. Every year for Rosh Hashanah we try to find a new honey to serve at the table, a honey that we have not yet tried. Well, here are some new candidates: Tupelo- Light golden amber with a slight greenish cast. Sweet, floral and fruity. Manuka- From Continue Reading »
This announcement comes from the USDA- Iowa Firm Recalls Beef and Chicken Products Due To Mislabeling Recall Release CLASS I RECALL FSIS-RC-032-2007 HEALTH RISK: HIGH Congressional and Public Affairs (202) 720-9113 Steven Cohen WASHINGTON, July 6, 2007 – Agriprocessors, Inc., a Postville, Iowa, establishment is recalling approximately 35,860 pounds of frozen beef and chicken products Continue Reading »
Hershey Kisses are 100 years old. Amazing, init? They look so young, so fresh, so perky…….. Anyway, here is more info than you could ever really want to know about those little, silver wrapped confections: It takes 90 Kisses to make a pound. At the factory, Kisses are wrapped at the rate of 1300 per Continue Reading »
From Cornell University’s online Chronicle: May 30, 2007 An apple peel a day might keep cancer at bay, Cornell food science study finds By Susan Lang Rui Hai Liu, Cornell associate professor of food science, analyzed the peel from 230 pounds of red delicious apples. An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Or, what Continue Reading »
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