Here you go: just in time for Turkey time, all the things you need to know about cranberries plus one recipe: CRANBERRY TIPS: * When washing, look for bright, plump cranberries and pick out any soft, crushed, or shriveled berries. * Peak season is September through December. * Fresh cranberries will keep in the refrigerator Continue Reading »
This just in from Kosher-NY KosherBites QuickBite: Jason Schwartz, Owner/Operator of the new kosher Manhattan location, confirms that the Glatt Kosher Subway restaurant will be located on Broadway between West 78th and 79th Streets. In addition, the website: will be up soon with further details. The owner’s press release says: “Coming soon to NYC Continue Reading »
The Chief Rabbis in Israel have ruled that each local rabbi may decide which approach he will take to shmitta. Some may decide that the famous Rabbi Kook approach (sell the land of Israel to a non Jew for the year). Others may depend upon sale of the land to the beit din. Most of Continue Reading »
Everyone knows that baking soda is aces at keeping fridges smelling fresh, but who knew just how many other things it could do around the house? A pinch of baking soda in a gallon of freshly-brewed iced tea takes out bad-tasting tannins and prevents cloudiness. When you’re soaking dried beans or cooking cabbage, add a Continue Reading »
The other day, we were reading a most interesting article about the different ways people eat latkes: with sour cream, with apple sauce, with salt and pepper, etc. The article went on to talk about people who put ketchup on their latkes. KETCHUP ON A LATKE? ON A REAL LATKE??? (Not one of those frozen Continue Reading »
Stop & Shop Announces Sweeping Price Reductions for Dairy, Frozen and Coffee Products Thursday October 25, 12:26 pm ET QUINCY, Mass., Oct. 25 /PRNewswire/ — The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company today announced that it would be lowering everyday prices on thousands of dairy, frozen and coffee products. The price reductions will affect Stop & Continue Reading »
NORMAN’S STEAK’N BURGER Newsletter Volume 52 October 2007 27 Emek Refaim, Jerusalem Telephone: 972-2-566-6603 Fax: 972-2-6729548E-mail: Website: ______________________________ ________ THANKSGIVING DINNER Norman’s will once again be featuring a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, on Thursday, November 22rd. Dinner includes pumpkin soup, a very generous portion of turkey, served with stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and Continue Reading »
The following is from a press release we got: Foster’s Wine Estates Announces Introduction of Boomerang Vodka Monday October 22, 11:00 am ET First Grape-Based Vodka Imported from Australia NAPA, Calif., Oct. 22 /PRNewswire/ — Foster’s Wine Estates announced its newest product for U.S. shelves — Boomerang Vodka, the first 100 percent grape-based vodka imported Continue Reading »
This comes courtesy of the “I’m Not Martha” column: Pumpkins are fruit. According to the University of Illinois, 90 percent of the pumpkins grown in the United States are raised within a 90-mile radius of Peoria, Illinois. Pumpkins are grown primarily for processing with a small percentage grown for ornamental sales through you-pick farms, farmers’ Continue Reading »
We found a web site that is truly da bomb!! It is called Top Secret Recipes. Chef Todd Wilbur clones restaurant menu items so that you can cook them at home. THIS IS NOT A KOSHER WEB SITE. HOWEVER, an incredible number of the recipes can easily be made in a kosher kitchen. Some require Continue Reading »
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