Applicants for Mashgichim (Kashrut Supervisors) Soar Chicago…The number of people seeking to become kashruth supervisors (mashgichim) continues to grow as kashruth agencies respond with an intensified training program. Many of the major kashruth agencies sponsor such training programs as does the Association of Kashrus Agencies (AKO), according to Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, its executive director. The Continue Reading »
1. Air-Chilled Typically referring to poultry, this is a method of cooling chicken to the required 40˚F after slaughter. It chills chicken in a cold-air chamber or by blasting it with cold air, rather than in the cold-water bath typically used, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Because it doesn’t absorb water, Continue Reading »
What is the status of Oreo Sandwich Cookies? Do they contain actual dairy ingredients? January 7, 2020 At the present time the following Oreo Sandwich Cookies do not contain dairy ingredients, although they are manufactured on dairy equipment: – Original Oreo Sandwich Cookies – Oreo Double Stuf Sandwich Cookies – Triple Double Oreo Sandwich Cookies Continue Reading »
More than 80% of Israel’s $20 Billion Food Industry is Kosher Tel Aviv…Israel’s food industry is largely kosher despite a growing segment of non-kosher retail stores. Despite its growing food manufacturing capacity, Israel still imports large quantities of food, according to the USDA division in the American Embassy. It is one of the reasons why Continue Reading »
After a seven month hiatus, we are back. We apologize for the absence, but now we are back. In the days and weeks ahead, we expect to bring you good news, exciting recipes, and much good info. Stay with us!
Bentonville, AZ – Sabra Hummus is available at most supermarkets but also at airports, train stations and even stadiums. Many other brands that initially made a foray into kosher have managed to go mainstream. The kosher industry looks at Sabra which is now owned partially by PepsiCo as the ideal model of a brand that Continue Reading »
HOW TO INTERPRET THE LABELS ON YOUR CHICKEN Free Range Generally the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) allows these words on a label when the chicken has had access to the outdoors for part of the day. Not all free-range chicken is organic, but all organic chicken is free range. Organic This USDA-regulated term means Continue Reading »
Of all the current food trends, ancient grains might just be the original. This collection of nutritious whole grains are barley, kamut, millet, teff, oats, freekeh, bulgur, sorghum, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, chia and farro. And just to make the Jewish connection even clearer, all but teff, quinoa, amaranth and chia originated in the Fertile Crescent, which was home to Continue Reading »
Here is a list of some of our favorite oranges. Thank goodness for the winter citrus season! We top the list with our favorite type: Blood orange: There are three types — Moro, Tarocco and Sanguinello — with a flavor that ranges from tart to semi-sweet depending on the type and season. Named for the Continue Reading »
IMAGINE, MILLIONS OF YEARS FROM now—long after humans have been wiped out by a wayward meteor or giant robot insurrection—a team of alien archaeologists sifting through our rubble in an attempt to piece together our mysterious history. Leafing through stray plastic bags and errant packing peanuts, they happen upon a surplus of something strange. Scattered around Continue Reading »
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