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Posted on June 17, 2004

We stumbled across the following information today. Wines which contain saccharin will no longer be required to list it on the label because: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Toxicology Program published the 9th Report on Carcinogens. The Report delisted saccharin, which had been listed in the Report as Continue Reading »


Posted on June 15, 2004

Sometimes something will catch our eye, and even though it may not touch on our usual topic- kosher food and kashruth in general- we feel that we must comment. We saw an ad in an Anglo-Jewish newspaper that read as follows: SINGLE ORTHODOX JEWISH CEMETERY PLOT FOR SALE….. Our first thought was, “Wow, We should Continue Reading »


Posted on June 13, 2004

With the advent (can we say that in a Jewish blog??) of June and BBQ and picnic season, easily portable, cold foods are back in fashion. Here are two slaw recipes from the famous Hickory House Restaurant in Oklahoma. Although the restaurant is not kosher, some of their recipes work well in a kosher kitchen. Continue Reading »

101 Ways to Prepare a Chicken, cont’d

Posted on June 11, 2004

Summer’s almost here and you don’t really want to be slaving over a hot oven every day (week?), do you? I think I’ve already posted the World’s Easiest Chicken Recipe – pour a jar of duck sauce over your chicken parts and bake it. Make lots of this and you can use some of the Continue Reading »


Posted on June 10, 2004

Here is a recipe that we have enjoyed every BBQ season. Hope it works for you, too! 2 large potatoes, diced 1 medium onion, diced 2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil Seasoned Salt or Mrs. Dash Pepper Boil the potato cubes until just slightly soft. Place on skewers with the onions in between the cubes of Continue Reading »


Posted on June 9, 2004

What would you call a cookie that has only ONE net carb, no sugar, no wheat, no gluten, no lactose, no cholesterol, and almost no salt? What if the cookie were also certified organic? What if it were certified kosher pareve? We would call that a perfect cookie. SOYBITE makes some really fine cookies. These Continue Reading »


Posted on June 8, 2004

Yesterday was a perfect day weatherwise in the Metro NYC area. So, off came the cover of the BBQ grill and dinner was cooked and eaten outside. We found this recipe in a magazine and it worked just fine for us: 2/3 cup Roasted Garlic Teriyaki Marinade and Sauce 1 Tablespoon (packed)of brown sugar 1 Continue Reading »


Posted on June 8, 2004

The blog was down for a few days, and we were not able to post as a result. We apologize for the lapse in posting. Kudos to the UTJ’s cyber rebbe, Alex Herrera, who did a yeoman’s job these last few days writing and rewriting code, tweaking settings, and working his usual magic so that Continue Reading »


Posted on June 3, 2004

Sometimes the most outrageous stuff is found in little, out of the way places. On Staten Island, there is a bagel store and bakery that makes the very best black and whites in all the land. Chances are, if you are not a native of the tri-state area, you do not know what a black Continue Reading »


Posted on June 1, 2004

Greetings all y’all! Well shucks ma’am- they sure have some fine stuff to buy down here in Texas. For a citified Easterner, shopping here is an eye opener! We found a product called GLAZIN’ GOURMET. The company makes some really fine glazes for your chicken, fish, meat, or veggies. They even suggest that you try Continue Reading »