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Posted on February 15, 2005

The following story was reported in Kosher Today on Monday, February 14, 2005. Our commentary follows the article. Community rabbis and certification agencies are planning to meet soon to adopt measures to protect consumers from the type of fraud in glatt kosher meats that rocked the kosher community last week. A major Flatbush retailer was Continue Reading »


Posted on February 14, 2005

Sometimes you don’t need to read the whole story. Sometimes the headline suffices all by itself. “When asked to specify in their own words what is most important to them in deciding which fresh fruits and vegetables to buy, 23% of respondents said taste is most important, according to new research by the Produce Marketing Continue Reading »


Posted on February 14, 2005

Another wonderful use of eggplant! A great addition to any cocktail party!! CAPONATA 1 medium eggplant, unpeeled, finely chopped 1 large onion, coarsely chopped 1/2 cup coarsely chopped mushrooms 1/3 cup chopped green pepper 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/3 cup vegetable oil* 1/2 cup chopped stuffed green olives 1/4 cup chopped ripe olives 1/4 cup Continue Reading »


Posted on February 11, 2005

So there you are- a box of fine chocolates in your hand. They all look so enticing. Hmmm, how can you make sure to get the ones you like, and not all the others? Here is the official Kosher Nexus guide to picking the right chocolate out of the box: If there’s a swirl with Continue Reading »


Posted on February 10, 2005

Forgive me if I indulge myself with a bit of proud papa’s perogative. Last evening, my daughter, Tali, got engaged to Mr. Yoav Orbach of Efrat, Israel. At the L’chaim, the couple proudly announced that they hope to marry in August, B’shaah tova u’mutzlachat, in Jerusalem where they will settle. We wanted to write about Continue Reading »


Posted on February 9, 2005

According to Kosher Today, “Kosher consumers are increasingly looking for kosher certification in everything they consume as well as cleaning supplies used in the kitchen, the agencies say.” But is that neccesarily good news? Kosher agencies need new products to endorse or else they will not make more money and grow. That they give hashgachot Continue Reading »


Posted on February 8, 2005

We got this recipe from SOUTHERN LIVING magazine. We had some over the weekend and they were quite tasty. Well worth the preparations! 1 1/2 teaspoons butter or margarine 2 cups lightly salted whole cashews 2 teaspoons grated orange rind 2 teaspoons Caribbean Jerk Seasoning (World Harbor makes a kosher Jerk sauce) Preheat oven to Continue Reading »

Spinach Balls

Posted on February 7, 2005

A delicious finger food, great for any party or just to have for the fun of it! Enjoy! 2 – 10-oz. packages frozen chopped spinach 2 cups grated toast 1 large onion, grated 4 eggs, beaten 3/4 cup melted margarine 1/2 cup grated kosher Parmesan cheese salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste Thaw, rinse and Continue Reading »

Andrea’s (Almost) Famous Cholent

Posted on February 4, 2005

I keep getting requests for my recipe, so I’ll do the best I can. This is actually a very delicious cholent. Don’t be afraid to play with the ingredients. The night before you make the cholent, or first thing in the morning, soak 1-1/2 Cups of beans in water (I use a combination of lima Continue Reading »


Posted on February 3, 2005

TRADER JOE’S FUDGE BROWNIES bears a mislabeled Star-K. The product is Star-D certified, a non-cholov Yisroel certification of the National Council of Young Israel administered by the Star-K. Future packaging will be corrected.