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Posted on November 25, 2005

Readers of the Kosher Nexus as well as this blog know that when we are in Israel, there are two restaurants that we make sure to visit. One of them is in Jerusalem and is called Misadat Pinati. The place is about as small as a place can be and still call itself a restaurant Continue Reading »


Posted on November 24, 2005

There are two restaurants called JOY. One is a regular restaurant and the other is more of a takeout place with about six tables and a counter. The second place is called Express Joy. We ate there last night, and it was super! No, it’s clearly not haute cuisine, but the food was excellent! One Continue Reading »


Posted on November 23, 2005

  Category: Restaurants Last night, we had dinner at Ragu- a newish restaurant in the German colony, located at 41 Beit Lechem Road, Jerusalem. The restaurant is quite tiny. In the summer, it is possible to eat outside making it much larger. However, last night the place was packed- every table was filled. At the table Continue Reading »

Roasted Veggies

Posted on November 22, 2005

Roasting veggies is easy, healthy and delicious! Just ask those in the know!! 1 large Butternut squash (Peeled, cut into 2 in chunks) 4 or 5 red or white potatoes (about fist sized) cut into halves 2 large sweet onions (or regular yellow if you can’t find sweet onions) 8-16 oz of whole mushrooms 2 Continue Reading »


Posted on November 20, 2005

  Category: General Topics For the first time in more years than we can recall for sure, we will not be at Mollie B’s for turkey day. Long time readers of the KN and this blog know that Thanksgiving Day at Mollie B’s is a ritual in our family. So how is it that we will Continue Reading »


Posted on November 19, 2005

  Category: General Topics Why do kosher bakeries charge such high prices? It can’t be the cost of hashgacha. Here in Queens, hashgacha is less than ten dollars a week, so it can’t be that. Could it be the cost of the raw materials? Nope! The truth is that the majority of bakery products sold in Continue Reading »


Posted on November 18, 2005

  Category: PHP-Nuke In programming articles for posting on this site, we got confused about the date. As a result, a posting will take place on Shabbat automatically. We do not, as a rule, have articles post on Shabbat, so we do apologize for the mistake. Keep in mind, however, the posting was done automatically.


Posted on November 17, 2005

  Category: General Topics Why is there such a dearth of really good quality kosher meat? Not so many years ago, our family’s butcher carried mostly prime meat. Except for dinners in some of the truly better kosher steak houses, we never have prime beef any more. Why is that? One possibility that comes to mind Continue Reading »


Posted on November 16, 2005

We love reading the emails we get from The emails are always full of great info. In addition, the store just happens to be located in Teaneck, so we can hop on over and buy whatever they suggest. Today’s article is directly from The Kosher Wine Cellar, and it concerns a new wine. Read Continue Reading »


Posted on November 15, 2005

  Category: General Topics We had been sitting on shpilkes for days now waiting for the official gov’t Peanut Butter and Jelly Statistics to be issued. Finally, here they are! Consumers prefer creamy to chunky almost two to one- 82% prefer smooth and 44% prefer chunky. Only 7% prefer honey roasted. Hmm, it seems we are Continue Reading »