We found many examples of reasonable prices over Pesach and far too many examples of price gouging. One store in Queens had some of the same products in the regular aisle (the kind that are KP all year) and in the Pesach aisle. Those in the Pesach aisle were 40% higher in price. One consumer Continue Reading »
Apparently our ISP lost us over the end of yom tov and we could not post. We are sorry. On the other hand, we do hope that you at least missed us!!! Well, we are back in business and back on line. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Rabbi Jeffrey Rappoport
One rabbi we know has suggested that the Queens Vaad and the Five Towns Vaad both be brought up on RICO charges. It seems that their technique sure does recall that of Tony Soprano. Read the article from yesterday again. Notice the line that they are not “Chas V’shalom” saying that Streits is not kosher. Continue Reading »
Different from all other years: Streit’s Matzo off preferred list in Five Towns and Queens The decision, the fallout and the regrets Mayer Fertig, The Jewish Star Every conversation with a kashruth professional about Streit’s Matzo –– on the record or off –– eventually winds up in the same place: no one wants to be Continue Reading »
We wish you all the best and a yom tov that is kasher v’sameach. May Elijah tarry at your table for just a few moments. May your seders be meaningful. Next year in Yerushalayim.
Back on Friday, April 3, 2009 we ran an article from the Jewish Forward newspaper. The article was about dissent in Israel over the expanding kitniyot list there as well as the growing dissatisfaction with the whole notion as well. The end of the article from the Forward contained this: “People have been keeping this Continue Reading »
All of the KFC’s in Israel are going kosher: International fast food chain taking steps to turn its branches in Israel kosher, including replacing milk-powder chicken coating with kosher soy-powder coating, said to be identical in taste Going kosher pays, as international fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken has learned, and is now taking steps Continue Reading »
We continue to hear complaints about the absurdly high prices some places are charging for Pesach foods. We bought KP Coke and Diet Caffeine Free Coke in two liter bottles for $1.50 per bottle. Two days later in Teaneck, NJ, we were in a store where the price was $2.59 PER BOTTLE! While it is Continue Reading »
From this week’s edition of the English Forward newspaper. Pesach Kitniyot Rebels Roil Rabbis As Some Ashkenazim Follow New, Permissive Ruling By Nathan Jeffay Published April 02, 2009, issue of April 10, 2009. Tel Aviv, Israel — In Tel Aviv, shortly before Passover, David Cohen was mulling over his holiday menu. “I’m thinking of making Continue Reading »
Here in NYC, there are laws against price gouging for Pesach. The problem is that there is insufficient over sight, and prices do go up more than they should. Here are some examples: Schatzer Shmura Matza went up $2 per pound. Wheat prices are down. Fuel prices are down. Labor costs have not increased. Why Continue Reading »
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