Our annual edition of the pre-Pesach Kosher Nexus Newsletter is available on line right now! You can find it at www.utj.org and click on the link for the Kosher Nexus Reminder: On line Operation Pesach available. Write to OP@ujt.org
In the spirit of taking time out of our preps in order to laugh a little. The Two-Minute Haggadah A Passover service for the impatient. Opening prayers: Thanks, God, for creating wine. (Drink wine.) Thanks for creating produce. (Eat parsley.) Overview: Once we were slaves in Egypt . Now we’re free. That’s why we’re doing Continue Reading »
FROM KOSHER TODAY (MARCH 8) “Alef” a New Premium Vodka is Also Kosher for Passover New York…by Zechariah Mehler…Vodka on Passover? This year Alef, a new vodka made from grapes rather than from grain, will be available for the holiday, thanks to Avi Petrov of LeChaim Enterprises. “There’s still room on liquor store shelves for Continue Reading »
“Kashering” a Dishwasher for Pesach – by Rabbi Re’eim Hacohen, Rosh Yeshiva and Chief Rabbi, Otniel Question: How can a dishwasher be made kosher for Pesach? Answer: The first thing that is necessary is to understand how a dishwasher works. The typical dishwasher has two baskets where the dirty dishes are placed. At the bottom Continue Reading »
Diabetic Charoset 4oz (110g) dried pitted prunes 4oz (110g) pitted dates 2oz (56g) blanched slivered almonds 3 medium sized Granny Smith apples – peeled, cored and quartered 1 large Naval orange quartered ½ inch piece of fresh ginger peeled and chopped ¼ cup kosher sweet red wine 1tsp honey 1tsp fresh lemon juice 1tsp ground Continue Reading »
Matzel Bits Chock full of tidbits, morsels, goodies and all other things Matzel Toff! Matzel Toff! Makeover! Matzel Toff! Gift BoxMatzel Toff! got a new “do!” Part of growing up means redefining your image and improving yourself – inside and out. So as Matzel Toff! matures, we’re excited to share with you some of the Continue Reading »
THE NEW, UPDATED FOR 5772, PASSOVER FAQ IS HERE PASSOVER FAQ- UPDATED FOR 5770 Every year, the number of questions we receive at the Operation Pesah Hot Line continues to grow and grow. We are most pleased to note this increase as it points to a heightened level of awareness and observance of the holiday. Continue Reading »
Just to keep all our fans posted we have not stopped doing Norman’s catering all year long….we are especially busy during the holidays. We cater amazing bbq’s in the privacy of your own home and both corporate and family events… We aim to please…and have been successful! All our food is the same fresh and Continue Reading »
Here is a translation of Rav Moshe Feinstein’s famous tshuvah on peanuts and Pesach. “Concerning peanuts, which were called stashkes in Europe—they have been accepted as being permitted on Pesach and are not considered kitniyos (legumes that are forbidden on Pesach) because all the reasons for the prohibition of kitniyos do not apply to peanuts. Continue Reading »
This one is one of our all time faves! Try it-you will love it. 1 can cranberry sauce (we use whole berry) 4 cups matzo farfel/ferfel 4 eggs 2/3 cup oil 1/2 cup sugar 2 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. cinnamon Pour cold water over farfel, and drain. Mix all ingredients together. Bake at 350 F Continue Reading »
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