Just a few of the things people ask us about: Agar agar is a seaweed derivative, used as a substitute for gelatin. It is kosher without certification. Cholic Acid comes from animal bile (yummy!) and is used as an emulsifier in dried egg whites. Obviously, it needs hashgachah. Oil Of Rose is just what it Continue Reading »
FROM PHIL LEMPERT, SUPERMARKET GURU June 20, 2011 Here is a quick SupermarketGuru guide to shopping for artificial sweeteners. From what they are, to how to store, we’ve got everything you need in this quick reference article. What is Artificial Sweetener? Man-made products created to add sweetness to baking, cooking, and beverages. Helpful for restricted Continue Reading »
Law reprieve for kosher meat labels Robyn Rosen • The Jewish Chronicle An amendment which could lead to controversial plans to label kosher meat has been removed from a proposed new European law. The European Council and Parliament agreed this week that the new food information regulation will not include a requirement that all kosher Continue Reading »
From JS in Seattle: What should I do when I find a dairy spoon in the meat drawer or vice versa? Take the offending piece out of the drawer and put it in the correct drawer. It is ok to use the piece as soon as it is transferred. (Rem”a on YD 95:3) From FP Continue Reading »
Buying eggs can be confusing. What’s the difference between organic, cage-free and all-natural besides price? Does color or grade really matter? A rundown on egg terms and classifications: • Grade: U.S. Department of Agriculture seals signify that eggs have been voluntarily inspected and graded according to how the yolk and white stand up to cooking. Continue Reading »
FROM KOSHER TODAY (JUNE 13) Demand for Mashgichim (Kosher Supervisors) Jobs Soar, Kashrus Agencies Say New York…by KT Staff Reporters…Kashrus agencies have had little problem in filling jobs for kosher supervision (mashgichim) despite the double-digit growth of kosher. They have many more applicants than job openings, which some described as a “very surprising development.” To Continue Reading »
Blueberry Sorbet Recipe If you want your sorbet to last a while in the freezer, and not get too rock hard, you might want to add a tablespoon or two of corn syrup to the mix. Or you can add 2 tablespoons of kirsch or a berry or orange liqueur. Ingredients * 5 cups fresh Continue Reading »
CTS of Cucamonga, CA. wrote and asked about Pyroligenous Acid. He wanted to know what it is. Simple, CTS, it is artificial smoke flavor. It needs hashgacha. TRR of NYC wanted to know if cocoa butter is always milchiqs. No, TRR, cocoa butter is always pareve! Just because it is called a butter doesn’t mean Continue Reading »
Excellent quality expected for 2011 New Jersey blueberry crop By Al Murray | June 08, 2011 TRENTON, NJ — A cold winter and a normal, wet spring have provided growing conditions that should result in a great crop of large, exceptional quality New Jersey blueberries. Industry experts are anticipating a high-quality crop of New Jersey Continue Reading »
It seems like a life-time ago when pareve margarine was introduced to the marketplace. Just like that, every kosher caterer had pats of kosher, pareve margarine to serve. Similarly, when the pareve, ersatz milk came along, the caterers were quick to jump on that, too. We remember being at a very, very swanky wedding held Continue Reading »
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