In 1976, we stayed in Yosemite National Park. We were leading a group of 43 Jewish teens, traveling across the USA and having a blast. In Yosemite, we were put in tent/cabins. That is to say, you walk up steps to get to your tent room. The room had a wooden floor, electricity and a Continue Reading »
Call us slow on the uptake. Call us out of the loop. Call us what you will, because we just discovered that there is a kosher pub in London. Yay! The Castle, steeped in musical tradition, was taken over by Denis Cook. The bar has been extended and the pub has two areas – a Continue Reading »
We are so proud to announce that we will be working with Bitayavon magazine by bringing you some of their INCREDIBLE recipes from time to time. We look forward to a long and wonderful relationship. Bitayavon!! Bitayavon magazine is leading the way in kosher cuisine by presenting kosher in a modern revolutionary way. Awarded the Continue Reading »
We are pleased to present this amazing recipe from Bitayavon. We will be featuring their recipes from time to time. Please subscribe to the magazine. Chocolate cookie cheese cake This recipe allows you to sidestep using a mixer by using already whipped cream cheese. It is very simple to make and is delicious and fun Continue Reading »
Kinnikinnick Foods Receives Kosher Certification By KNW Leading Provider of Allergy-Friendly Baked Goods and Snacks Now Verified as Kosher Pareve. Kinnikinnick Foods, North America’s leading manufacturer of gluten-free baked goods and snacks, recently announced that its company facilities, and an extensive list of products, are certified OU kosher and pareve by the Orthodox Union. Kinnikinnick Continue Reading »
By Steve Gelsi NEW YORK (Marketwatch) — J.M. Smucker Co. said Tuesday it has cut coffee prices an average of 6% for its packaged brands including Folgers, Dunkin’ Donuts, Millstone and Cafe Bustelo. The Orrville, Ohio, food company said the move was made in response to sustained declines in green coffee costs. Wowzers!! Whoda thunk Continue Reading »
Greyston Bakery and Whole Planet Foundation® Debut Brownie Line Bakers on a Mission: Alleviating Poverty Never Tasted so Good! –The Yonkers‐based Greyston Bakery is teaming up with Whole Planet Foundation to offer shoppers a delicious way to help fight global poverty and create jobs for the economically disadvantaged in the U.S. Starting today, when shoppers Continue Reading »
One of our hobbies is compiling chrestomathies of linguistic curiosa. In simple words, we like compiling lists of odd words. We recently found a word, a real honest to goodness word, that seems to sum up Pesach very neatly. ABLIGURITION: spending an unconscionable amount of money on food. Yup- that pretty much sums it up!
Ingredients 1 bunch spinach, rinsed 10 large strawberries, sliced 1/2 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup kosher white wine vinegar 1 cup vegetable oil 1 tablespoon poppy seeds Directions In a large bowl, mix the spinach and strawberries. In a blender, place the sugar, salt, vinegar, and oil, and blend until smooth. Stir Continue Reading »
FROM PHIL LEMPERT, SUPERMARKET GURU Chickpeas or Garbanzo Beans are a legume many of us are familiar with, in fact they are the most widely consumed legume in the world, but do you know the many nutritional benefits they have? Originating in the Middle East, chickpeas have a firm texture with a flavor somewhere between Continue Reading »
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