After three months, $330,000 and a high-profile media blitz, the world’s first hamburger grown in a lab made its worldwide debut Monday. The unveiling of “,” as the burger is branded, was a production worthy of the Food Network era, complete with chatty host, live-streamed video, hand-picked taste testers, a top London chef and an Continue Reading »
Most Mickey D’s in Israel are not kosher. If you see milk shakes on the menu or cheese burgers, you know it is not kosher. Yet, there are a good number of kosher ones. Below is a list of the cities in Israel featuring Kosher McDonald’s (some have multiple). “B’Teyavon,” or should we say–”I’m lovin’ Continue Reading »
FROM SAVEUR MAGAZINE SERVES 4–6 INGREDIENTS FOR THE SWEET AND SOUR SAUCE: 2 tbsp. canola oil 1 medium yellow onion, minced 1 15-oz. can tomato sauce ½ tsp. sour salt or the juice of 1 lemon (about 2 tbsp.) ¼ cup firmly packed dark brown sugar Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste Continue Reading »
FROM READY STORE Salt is one of the most amazing elements in nature. It can be used for many purposes including food preservation, cleaning, cooking, and more! Clean up a dropped egg If you accidentally drop an egg on the floor, sprinkle some salt on the mess and wait 20 minutes. After you wait, the Continue Reading »
Ian’s products have been around since 2001. For people who are gluten intolerant or who have allergies, this is the company that is for you. We tried Ian’s Sweet Potato Fries. OU certified, these fries are gluten free and contain no wheat. As a pareve product, it contains no milk. All in all, these are Continue Reading »
FROM KOSHER TODAY BJ’s Joins Club Store Rush to Upgrade Kosher with New Kosher Bakeries Teaneck NJ… If Rabbi Moshe Lebovits of the Kof-K Kosher Supervision has his way, it won’t be long before as many as 90 of some 190 BJ’s club stores will have kosher bakeries. Rabbi Lebovits began negotiations a year and Continue Reading »
From Pereg comes 100% Quinoa pasta. This OU certified product is all natural, gluten free, high in protein, high in fiber, cooks in 6 minutes and is 100% quinoa- nothing else. We have not yet seen this product, but we do look forward to seeing it on the grocer’s shelves. Sounds real good to us! Continue Reading »
El Gaucho Argentinian Steak House 22 Rivlin Street, Jerusalem Tel. 02-6242227 Kashrut: Rabbanut Jerusalem This restaurant is a meat lovers delight. The menu is carnivore heaven. As in “Momma put the coins on my eyes for I done died and went to heaven!” Three of us went: Blonde goddess Natalie and her studly and handsome Continue Reading »
FROM KOSHER TODAY (July 29,2013) Zomick’s Opens Plant and Passes New State Inspections as Customers Respond Inwood LI … A local reporter recently visited the plant and found it to be clean and far from the accusations that were made earlier that the bakery is plagued with insect infestation. Senior inspectors from the New York Continue Reading »
From: My Jewish Learning Join all the Israelis who know that nothing beats a cold fruit soup on a hot summer day. Ingredients 2 pounds peaches, pitted and chopped 1 pound plums, pitted and chopped 7 cups water 1/4 teaspoon salt Juice and zest of one lemon 1 cinnamon stick 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Up Continue Reading »
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