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Where You Should Store Mayonnaise

Where You Should Store Mayonnaise

Let’s get one thing out of the way: We know that the conventional thinking is that mayo should be stored in the pantry unopened and the fridge once opened. But here’s the thing—that’s not your only option.

A 2016 report put out by the global information company NPD Group claimed that contrary to popular belief, mayonnaise can be stored at room temperature, even after opening. That report said that commercially produced mayo is acidic enough to “slow the growth of the bacteria associated with food-borne illnesses.” Commercially produced mayo is also typically made with pasteurized eggs rather than raw eggs, as well as other additives and stabilizers that help ensure it can be shelf-stable for so long when unopened.

The food safety experts at FoodSafety.Gov confirm this is indeed true. “Shelf-stable commercial mayonnaise is safe when stored at room temperature after opening.” One thing to note: this all becomes null if the mayo gets contaminated by dirty utensils or fingers—so please don’t double dip your knife when you’re building that BLT.

That gets to the crux of the debate—you can store opened mayo in the pantry but should you? For one thing, storing opened mayonnaise in the fridge will extend its shelf life, potentially up to 2 months longer, according to FoodSafety.Gov.

We reached out to Kraft Mayo to get some more expert opinions, and its team seemed to confirm this sentiment. The team shared this quote via an Instagram message to our team: “Quality, not safety, is the only reason our mayo shouldn’t be stored at room temperature. Top-tier taste needs top-tier treatment. Fridge it after opening and let it chiiiiiiill!”