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How Long Can You Leave Cole Slaw Out

How Long Can Coleslaw Sit Out?

The USDA, the government agency that oversees food safety rules, says that prepared foods like coleslaw can be left out at room temperature for up to two hours. After two hours, harmful bacteria can start to grow. Even if the coleslaw was stored in the refrigerator prior to serving, it could quickly dip into what food safety rules call the “Danger Zone” after being set out. The danger zone is between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit; this is the range of temperatures where bacteria thrive.

The thing is, the two-hour rule is primarily a guideline. Other factors affect how long coleslaw can safely be left out. While it’s best to keep any perishable food refrigerated at all times, there are many situations where that just doesn’t make sense. Take, for example, a cookout or picnic. It’s common to set all the food out on a table and let guests serve themselves over the course of the party. But when the ambient temperature creeps well above room temperature, the amount of time coleslaw and other potentially hazardous foods can be left out begins to plummet.

In the situation of a cookout or other event where coleslaw is exposed to the summer heat (or even left out in direct sunlight), the time it can be out of the fridge is cut in half. After just one hour, you run the risk of encountering food-borne illnesses. And trust us, that hour can go fast when you’re enjoying a social event with family and friends. If you’re concerned about a particular dish, consider bringing along a meat thermometer and monitoring the temperature on the surface and in the middle of the salad to keep tabs on when the temp is close to crossing into the danger zone.