Today is February 23, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Strawberry Julius


  • 1cup strawberry, sliced (Fresh is best, this is about 100-125grams)
  • 12cup milk (nonfat or lowfat okay)
  • 12cup water
  • 14cup caster sugar (about 50g) or 1/4 cup superfine sugar (about 50g)
  • 12 – 23teaspoon vanilla (extract or flavoring to preference)


  • Slice up fresh strawberries until you have enough to fill a one cup measure.
  • Add to a blender or food processor, or if you only have a stick mixer, just put it in a large pyrex jug.
  • Add rest of ingredients.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • You may want to try this a little bit cooler for summer days, omit the water and add a few ice cubes.
  • Also it does tend to separate if you leave it sitting around for a minute, Don’t let this put you off, just stir it up a bit, it tastes the same, just tends to be more frothy at the top then.