Today is February 23, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Time To Get Ready For Pesach Already!


Now that Purim has passed, the Kosher Nexus turns it attention to Pesach.  For the next month- right up to Yom Tov- almost all of our articles will focus on the coming holiday. We also wish to remind you that any questions you have regarding Pesach can be sent to     Questions will be answered as quickly as possible.

The Kosher Nexus has been around for quite a few years now, and over the years we have never not been able to answer a question.

We want to remind you that people tend to go overboard preparing for Pesach.  There is no need to do that.  Keep a sane head on your shoulders and think about what you read.  There are too many Pesach lists, blogs, and pamphlets that lead you to believe that the most machmir (strict) position is the only legitimate position.  In addition, just because someone sells a certain Pesach product, does not mean you have to buy it.  A clear example would be KP window cleaner or KP shoe polish.

We have said before that when kosher agencies tell you “all vitamins are kosher, but it is always better to buy certified kosher vitamins” they are guilty of leading you astray.  Why would it be better?  Either something is perfectly acceptable or it is not.  There are no degrees of kashruth, despite what others would tell you.

Additionally, keep in mind that there is not one Pesach publication that we know of that is 100% accurate when it tells you that a certain hashgacha is good or not good.  We refrain from that sort of thing for that reason.  For that matter, not one single agency has ever told the public how much they depend upon USDA rules and regulations, and just how infrequently they actually send a mashgiach to plants under their supervision.  Then, of course, there are the plants where several hashgachot are used on different products, but they all join together to hire just one mashgiach.  That yields different agencies with different standards all using the same supervisor. How does he keep it all straight in his mind?

May your Pesach be kosher, happy, and filled with family and friends.  Check in with us every day for the latest in Pesach information, recipes, and helpful tips.

Chag kasher v’sameach!

Rabbi Jeffrey Rappoport  Editor in Chief

Deborah Wenger    Contributing Editor

Andrea Herrera       Contributing Editor and Chef