Today is March 7, 2025 / /

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Craft Pizza Located In Shuk Machaneh Yehuda

Located within the shuk at Ha Tapuach St, #12, this mehadrin pizza store has finally proven that you can get a really excellent slice (or pie for that matter) in Israel.  We were just at the point where we were about to give up and consign ourselves to more of the usual bad pizza so widely available in Jerusalem. That is not to say that you can not get a decent slice here in Jerusalem.  You can.  But until now, you could not get an excellent slice here in Jerusalem.

Craft pizza changed all that.  In other words, “mama put the coins on my eyes for I have gone to pizza heaven.”

Where to start?  Well, first of all, the pizza is full size, American sized pizza.  No small slices there.  Second, the crust is crusty, just the way we like it.  Third, although the sauce is a tiny bit thin, it is, nonetheless, a great sauce, sharing sweet and delicate spices at the same time.  There is no scrimping on cheese here- there is very good cheese on the pie.  Oh, and none of it is the dreaded yellow cheese that so many Jerusalem pizzerias so shamelessly use.  This is the real honest to goodness mozzarella  cheese that belongs on a pizza.

We had been out all day and had been wandering around the shuk.  Suddenly, like a vision of Heaven itself, there was Craft Pizza.  OMG!!  We ordered two slices.  Truth we told, we had to take a little break and sit back for a few minutes before we could finish the second slice.  That has never happened before!

We are trying to think of a way to get the ladies who work there to commit to bringing a pie or six to our house every week!!

Craft Pizza offers many different toppings for your delectation. As it was our first visit, but surely not our last, we opted to go for the regular slices sans any additional adornments.  The pizza was a five star example of what great pizza should be.

Will we go there again?  Um, probably tomorrow and the next day, and the day after that, too!