Long time readers of the Kosher Nexus know that we worship at the shrine of Bone Suckin.’ There is not a product that they make that we do not totally love! We use Bone Suckin’ Sauce in just about anything we can put it in. We once joked in print that we use it on ice cream, and someone wrote in and said they did, too, and it was not bad. Um, we were joking, But we use it on or in pretty much everything.
We used to bring Bone Suckin’ Sauce and many of their other fine products in our suitcases when we went to the States. We could not buy it here in Israel.
Well, boys and girls, now we can. We stopped in a small grocery the other day, and lo and behold, there was a shelf of many different Bone Suckin’ products. We were in Heaven. We essentially bought four jars of sauce, and one of everything else.
Later on, at home, we sent a message via face book to Sandy (mom) and Patrick (son) whom we have known for a loooong time, and said thank you for making our day, our week, our month, and all that sort of stuff. Patrick wrote back and said they are “now selling in Israel.”
If you have not tried their products, you must do so. Go to their web site to see all of the great stuff they sell. www.bonesuckin.com
If Bone Suckin’ products are not available at your local makolet (grocery store) tell them to get right on it!!
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