Today is January 30, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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The Kosher Police

Some months back, we published a four part series on the state of commercial Kashruth today.  The article was titled, “They Sold Us A Bill Of Goods.”  We urge you to go re-read (or read for the first time) that series.

We all have heard of how different Kashruth agencies have threatened to yank their supervision, and block other agencies from acquiring that supervision, if the restaurant under their control hires a lesbian comedian to entertain. 

Coming from a religious background, the comedian is sensitive to the religious community, and does not do any routines that deal with same sex attraction.  

We said it before and we say it again.  The hashgacha belongs in the kitchen.  It is not the job of the mashgiach nor the supervising agency to police what goes on in the dining room.  

When the head of the Staten Island vaad tried to have every shul on the island not hold Sweet Sixteens, he failed miserably.  Our shul was only too happy to host them.  There were mashgichim in the kitchen, but not on the dance floor.  The agency that supervised Glatt Yacht put them out of business by demanding that there be no mixed dancing allowed.  People who paid for a cruise around Manhattan with wine and music and a great dinner, voted with their feet, and canceled their reservations. There were both Orthodox and non Orthodox Jews who patronized the boat.  That ended abruptly, and the business went bankrupt.  

There is no room for Kosher Police.  Let the agencies mind their own business in the kitchen.