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Kosher Nexus
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raBBi-Q Sauce

Want a barbecue with a rabbinic seal of approval? Look no further. Rabbi Mendel Segal, who founded the Kansas City Kosher BBQ Festival, now offers three varieties of his RaBBi-Q sauce. Since launching in 2015, Segal has expanded his line of sauces to include flavors that draw on both his Jewish and Southern roots — the pomegranate honey barbecue sauce, which Segal came up with when making brisket for Rosh Hashanah, is a favorite.

“It sells really well in the non-Jewish market, too, because nobody has a barbecue sauce that flavor yet,” he told JTA. “But Jews catch onto it right away.”

An 18-ounce jar of sauce retails at select kosher markets nationwide for $4.99.

From JTA