Today is February 24, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Betterine- New Amazing Butter Substitute (Pareve)

Betterine positions itself as the perfect solution for consumers who are looking for a non-dairy and all-natural butter substitute. It is made from coconut oil and is vegan, organic and GMO-free. Betterine sticks look similar to butter, have a neutral taste and can replace butter or margarine in recipes. The product will be available in two months in kosher stores across the country at a cost of about $5.80 for one pound.

“Most [butter substitutes] have chemical ingredients. The ones that don’t taste horrible,” said Akiva Stern, president of Amarlane Foods, which produces Betterine. “This doesn’t have chemical ingredients and it tastes great, so it’s the ultimate solution as far as we’re concerned.”