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The Best Lox To Buy At The Supermarket Or Costco

Good smoked salmon can actually be hard to come by — maybe even harder than good bagels! Of course if you live in a place like Manhattan, then there is ample high-quality lox to be found.

But what if you don’t live near a good appetizing shop? You can try your hand making your own cured lox, called gravlax. It is an easy process, but does require at least four days of planning to prepare.

If you don’t feel like going through the patchke of making gravlax, or don’t have the time, there are also some pretty great lox varieties to be found at major supermarkets. Here are a few of our top-rated choices.


You may not realize, but most appetizing restaurants in New York City and supermarkets around the country are all getting their smoked salmon from Acme Smoked Fish in New York. Many supermarkets throughout the country sell Acme brand smoked salmon, so if you find it, you can be sure it will be good quality.

Blue Hill Bay (at Costco)

For all you Costco lovers, you can purchase a party-sized quantity of Blue Hill Bay smoked salmon, which is actually produced by Acme.

From The Nosher