Today is February 24, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Pesach Chremslach


Ingredients Nutrition

  1. Beat together eggs, cream cheese, milk, sugar, and salt in a mixing bowl. (The original recipe called for cottage cheese, but we only had cream cheese and we loved the result.)
  2. Stir in matzo meal and mix well. You should have the consistency of pancake or latkes batter. Add milk to thin or add matzo meal to thicken.
  3. Heat a thin layer of butter or oil in a skillet on medium.  Drop spoonfuls of batter into the skillet and fry, flipping each chremsel when it browns on one side.
  4. Should make about 14 medium sized chremslach, which can feed 2 adults if it is the centerpiece of your meal.