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Manischewitz Introduces Sliced Frozen Gefilte Fish

Manischewitz Moves from Jarred Gefilte Fish to Sliced Frozen Gefilte Fish

Newark…Just when you thought that the latest innovation in gefilte fish was a frozen tri-colored or salmon gefilte fish, now comes an innovative new frozen gefilte fish from Manischewitz. Labeled as Premium Gold, it is the first frozen gefilte fish that is pre-sliced. “Instead of being forced to cook an entire loaf, the customer can now chose how many of the eight slices they actually want to prepare,” said David Sugarman, the CEO of Manischewitz. One of the key benefits of the sliced gefilte fish is that it can be cooked in just 15 minutes. For Manischewitz, the new product is part of the company’s focus on expanding its product line without actually being forced to do its own production. “We have become a much more efficient company in recent months and still maintain a leadership role in the kosher food industry,” said Mr. Sugarman. Manischewitz is still a leading brand in the shelf-stable gefilte fish in a jar. Frozen gefilte fish is the leading seller in some segments of the kosher food market while the jarred version remains popular in other markets. The new sliced version is gluten free and kosher for Passover, as well as year-round. It is certified kosher by both the Orthodox Union (OU) and Rabbi Avraham Halberstam of the Tartekov Bet Din, giving it broad appeal amongst all segments of the kosher market. The product is being well received in the kosher market and viewed by many as an excellent addition to kosher convenient foods. “Imagine removing only 2-3 slices, eating it as part of a meal or a snack, and then replacing the rest in a resalable bag for future use,” said one retailer.