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Results of a Soup-Eating Survey



Campbell Soup Company released the findings of the National Soup Month Survey, uncovering unexpected ways in which Americans enjoy a bowl of soup. In celebration of January as National Soup Month, the survey asked 2,000 people to weigh in on everything from their favorite soup pairings and toppings to the preferred times, places and ways to eat soup.

“With January being National Soup Month, we wanted to uncover some fun and surprising insights about how Americans enjoy soup,” said Charles Vila, Vice President, Global Consumer and Customer Insights at Campbell. “Whether it’s eating soup with no clothes or slurping down a bowl while lying on the beach, it seems like nothing will get in between Americans and their love of soup.”

Here’s a taste of the top eight survey findings:

1. For the love of soup.
Regardless of age, gender or region, the survey shows that soup is something everyone can agree on. In fact, a nearly unanimous 95% of people say they love or like soup. When taking a closer look at self-proclaimed soup lovers, Millennials (64%) were the clear winners, outpacing Gen-Xers (62%) and Baby Boomers (51%). Regionally, more respondents said they loved soup in the West (62%) and Northeast (60%) than in the East or South (58% each).

2. Double check if that soup is actually “homemade.”
Nearly one-quarter of respondents (24%) confessed to a soup-related “white lie” – they admit to passing off canned soup to dinner party guests as homemade! Millennials led the pack with nearly half (48%) saying they’ve engaged in this shady behavior, while far fewer Gen-Xers (22%) and Baby Boomers (5%) admit to the same. Furthermore, more than twice as many men (36%) than women (14%) say they’ve passed off canned soup as homemade.

3. Soup brings new meaning to the phrase “Netflix and Chill.”
Aside from dinner parties, respondents revealed that the classic Chicken Noodle Soup is the best soup for many occasions – from providing comfort when you have a cold (73%) to being the remedy for the ‘post breakup blues’ (43%) to binge-watching Netflix (23%).

4. Liquid diet? Turns out wine and soup are a match made in heaven.
When asked if they would pair soup with wine, more than one-quarter of respondents (27%) said “yes,” with chardonnay (45%) being the most popular wine pairing, followed by rosé (26%) and pinot noir (25%). But really, can you go wrong?

5. No Shirt? No Shoes? No Problem (for some).
When it comes to sipping soup, clothing is apparently optional for some people. Per the survey, 28% of people admit they’ve eaten soup shirt-less and 20% have eaten soup sans pants. Meanwhile, one-in-10 have eaten soup without any clothes on! Interestingly, twice as many men (15%) than women (7%) have eaten soup this way. (Strikes us as risky)

6. Grilled cheese? Yes, please.
What is better than soup and a sandwich? Respondents revealed their top five sandwich pairings with soup were (in order): the tried-and-true grilled cheese (63%), turkey (11%), roast beef (9%), ham (8%) and tuna fish (4%).

7. Must love animals (and soup).
The survey uncovered some unique affinities and hobbies among soup fans. Most respondents (60%) expressed their love of both soup and dogs, while 46% of respondents said the same of soup and cats.

8. Sunday not so Funday.
More inclined to eat soup on a Sunday? For some, Sunday soup is a preferred hangover food. According to the survey, 11% of people shared that they would eat soup on that particular day because they’re hungover. That number nearly doubled among Millennials with 21% admitting to using soup as a Sunday recuperation method.