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Donuts are typically eaten by Jews in Israel and throughout the world to commemorate the miracle of Hanukkah, whereby the Jewish Maccabees fought off and overthrew the Greeks who were occupying the Land of Israel. Following the Greek desecration of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, a jug of oil to light the menorah was found. The oil was only enough to last one day, but it lasted eight, thus creating a tradition whereby Jews eat oily and fried foods, and light an eight armed candelabrum called a “Hannukiyah.”

The “SufganiKing” will be a normal Whopper hamburger, but with donuts to be put in place of buns. Ketchup will replace the normal jelly donut filling which is typical of donuts sold throughout Israel during the Festival of Lights.

Israeli Burger King employees have already tasted the new SufganiKing, and say it tastes delicious.

The SufganiKing will be available at Burger King outlets throughout Israel from the start of Hanukkah, which this year begins on December 25th, and will be available until the end of Hanukkah on January 1st.

Israeli Burger King CEO Steve ben Shimol said “this matching of two popular Israeli food items was inevitable for us. We’re proud to be able to end 2016 on a creative, festive note.”