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Kosher Nexus
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eggplants, traditionally this dish is made with long narrow eggplants
olive oil, or olive oil spray
parsley for garnish
tomato paste


The eggplant reduces in size greatly, so use at least 3 eggplants or the results will be minuscule! Slice eggplants in 1/4″ thick or a bit more rounds. Take note of which thickness works best for your oven!
(Traditionally the slices are salted and set aside for an hour or so, but you really can skip this, in my opinion, and with this technique you can not monitor the salt and you can end up with a too salty result.)
Lay slices on parchment paper, spray or brush with olive oil and broil until browned. Turn over and broil until browned. If you are avoiding oil, you can also omit the oil. I place slices not directly under the broiler, but one level down so that the slices don’t burn too quickly.
The slices may seem a little dry, but not to worry, once they have cooled and you dress them, that issue will be resolved.
In a small bowl, mix tomato paste, chopped garlic and vinegar, and a dash or salt, pepper and cumin to make a thick dressing. For three eggplants you will need about half a cup of dressing to thoroughly coat the slices.
Spoon dressing over each slice and layer in a bowl or container. Let marinate for several hours or overhight in the refrigerator, garnish with chopped parsley, and serve with a bunch of other delicious Moroccan salads!

Note: If you want to make this salad the traditional way, the slices are fried, served on a platter and then the dressing is spooned on top. Small slices are mixed together with the dressing. For large eggplant rounds this dish is often made by dipping slices in egg white and then frying, and one can then omit the dressing if desired.